- kpasian柯普森-世界末日 Remix(C-Sun施晨LeoSang- Remix) 歌詞 LeoSang- C-Sun施晨
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- C-Sun施晨 kpasian柯普森-世界末日 Remix(C-Sun施晨LeoSang- Remix) 歌詞
- LeoSang- C-Sun施晨
- intro:
Worlds torn apart aint nobody know My walls are crumbling down,now Im letting go Im striped naked to the core along left in the cold Hook: My worlds torn apart aint nobody know My walls are crumbling down,now Im letting go Im striped naked to the core along left in the cold Im losin my grip and this feelin it's killing me Needin that somethin to hold Now that the tables have turned you winnin so You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know My heart is achin and I'm faintin while you put on a show Now with those lies I'am losin my mind 六三: 一路走來看到的聽到的太多的流言蜚語的情景 迷茫的被金錢沖昏頭腦糜爛成為傀儡最後剩下乾枯的軀體 太多質疑太多顧慮最後生活慢慢形成安穩定律 每當夜晚想起委屈自己脾氣空氣全都凝聚 神經瞬間麻痺 我看著身邊一無所事糟蹋生活的自己對自己發誓定要再次走起 掏出自己的心像無毛的雀被這一路霧霾將其凍藏冷卻 病態的裂將擁有的變成一團廢紙 任金錢把生活造成物質的句子 我拼命地衝拼命的跑 回頭才發現將成為最怕成為的瘋子 為了活著而活著卻物質地過著 無形地被惡態充斥的作者 曾經的Brother(兄弟)全都散伙 三年時間看清現實醜陋真的夠了 要通過多少關卡才能足夠擁有 要走過多少個年頭才能找到出口 我知道背後有著很多人看著我盯著我 等我犯錯 曾經的依賴給時間去歷練世界破滅僅有自己已足夠 上帝肆意地踐踏 我也不會讓它把我難住不斷歷練遮蓋內心裡的醜陋 嘗試著讓心的強度變得足夠硬 打破所有枷鎖因為從不信那命 那就走盡它捅破天世界末日臨前一一曾經吹破的牛逼 Hook: My worlds torn apart aint nobody know My walls are crumbling down,now Im letting go Im striped naked to the core along left in the cold Im losin my grip and this feelin it's killing me Needin that somethin to hold Now that the tables have turned you winnin so You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know My heart is achin and I'm faintin while you put on a show Now with those lies I'am losin my mind C-Sun施晨: 幾多人不斷被欺壓 每日有幾多嘎廝殺 纏繞內心嘎掙扎系傷口處深挖 幾多嘎風格都已被糟蹋 憑住僅存嘎氣魄 刻意忘記所有路過嘎過客(time) 祈求睇到出頭嘎一剎 用盡所有辦法去抵押 而你 經歷過甚少失去左甚少 就要覺得末日了(末日了) 邊個可以知曉有幾咁飄渺 邊個可以為你揭曉(揭曉) 當你覺得人生已經再無意義 有人堅定不移著上盔甲成為戰士 當時上帝正在俯視 從新去定義一切事宜 必先苦其心志令其失意 幾多場次不斷嘗試 無結局嘎故事 語無倫次是無忌憚放肆 偏要扭曲上帝嘎旨意 當呢一切嘎一切都已成定局 可能一世再一世都未能成熟 要幾耐先可以平伏 想結束又未到結局 一路顛沛流離會有點樣嘎終點 再多曲折離奇都要承擔起風險 既然選擇呢場冒險 遇到挑戰都要成為焦點 god bless my team(上帝請保佑我的團隊) god bless my family(上帝請保佑我的家人) god bless... (上帝請你保佑...) Hook: My worlds torn apart aint nobody know My walls are crumbling down,now Im letting go Im striped naked to the core along left in the cold Im losin my grip and this feelin it's killing me Needin that somethin to hold Now that the tables have turned you winnin so You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know My heart is achin and I'm faintin while you put on a show Now with those lies I'am losin my mind
Record(錄音):Hella Os Music Mixing (混音): Cj