- Max Richter Shadow Journal 歌詞
- Max Richter
- How enduring, how we need durability
多麼不朽我們需要延續 The sky before sunrise is soaked with light 晨曦浸滿了黎明的天空 Rosy colour tints buildings, bridges, and the Seine 建築橋塞納河都染上了玫瑰色 I was here when she with whom I walk wasn't born yet 與我同行的她還未出生之前我就在這了 And the cities on a distant plain stood intact 遠處平原上坐落著完好的城市 Before they rose in the air with the dust of sepulchral brick 在陰沉的磚土灰塵中拔地而起 And the people who lived there didn't know 生活在其中的人們不知道 Only this moment, at dawn, is real to me 只有這個黎明時刻對我來說是真實的 The bygone lives are like my own past life, uncertain 消逝的生命就像我過去的生活模糊不定 I cast a spell on the city, asking it to last. 我對城市施了咒祈求它的延續