- The Chicks March March 歌詞
- The Chicks
- March, march to my own drum
前進邁向我一人非凡絕塵的道路 March, march to my own drum 前進大步流星馳騁在我康莊大道 Hey, hey, I'm an army of one 嘿嘿我魂比擬千軍萬馬 Oh, I'm an army of one 哦我一騎紅塵獨擋一方 March, march to my own drum 前進邁向我一人非凡絕塵的道路 March, march to my own drum 前進大步流星馳騁在我康莊大道 Hey, hey, I'm an army of one 嘿嘿我志比擬千軍萬馬 Oh, I'm an army of one 哦我一騎紅塵獨擋一方
布倫達隨身配槍只因她厭惡週一(據信Brenda Spencer是美國首個校園槍擊案兇手) Brenda's packing heat 'cause she don't like Mondays 學校廳堂的守衛教室薪資微薄(為了避免校園槍擊案一些州決定武裝教師和學校工作人員) Underpaid teacher policing the hallways 為自己構建打印出武器帶上它來到靶場(3D打印槍支在管理和控制上受到爭議) Print yourself a weapon and take it to the gun range (別糊說你可不能去靶場) (Ah, cut the sh!t, you ain't going to the gun range) 與艾瑪及我們的子女們同仇敵愾(Emma González是Stoneman Douglas高中槍擊案的倖存者) Standing with Emma and our sons and daughters 看著我們的年輕一代處理我們棘手麻煩(Emma González此後在槍支管控問題上做出努力) Watchin' our youth have to solve our problems 我將隨他們一同谁愿與我一起? (March for Our Lives致力於在全美範圍內製止槍支暴力) I'll follow them so who's comin' with me? (對我部分的喜愛厭惡卻早心生) (Half of you love me, half already hate me) 前進邁向我一人非凡絕塵的道路
前進大步流星馳騁在我康莊大道 March, march to my own drum 嘿嘿我魂比擬千軍萬馬 March, march to my own drum 哦我一騎紅塵獨擋一方 Hey, hey, I'm an army of one 前進邁向我一人非凡絕塵的道路 Oh, I'm an army of one 前進大步流星馳騁在我康莊大道 March, march to my own drum 嘿嘿我魂比擬千軍萬馬 March , march to my own drum 哦我一騎紅塵獨擋一方 Hey, hey, I'm an army of one 告訴白色麵包形狀建築大廳裡的白種男人們(17年某張拍攝於白宮的照片僅只有白人男性) Oh, I'm an army of one 他們身體所能感知與不能體會的有什麼(卻在談論與女性相關的墮胎問題和其它健康生殖問題) Tell theol' boys in the white bread lobby 氣溫急劇上升城市不斷下沉(新奧爾良市當前正在下沉) What they can and can't do with their bodies (當然你可知道你所處城市正在下沉) Temperatures are rising, cities are sinkin' 謊言成了真理真理卻是虛幻想像 (Ah, cut the sh!t, you know your city is sinkin') 民眾們強烈意願宣洩著誰才會聽到呢? (諷刺Donald Trump推特治國並發表些過激言論) Lies are truth and truth is fiction 在赫爾辛基確切發生了什麼? (特朗普與普及在芬蘭赫爾辛基峰會上進行了非公開會議) Everybody's talkin', who's gonna listen? 前進邁向我一人非凡絕塵的道路 What the hell happened in Helsinki ? 前進大步流星馳騁在我康莊大道
嘿嘿我魂比擬千軍萬馬 March, march to my own drum 哦我一騎紅塵獨擋一方 March, march to my own drum 前進邁向我一人非凡絕塵的道路 Hey, hey, I'm an army of one 前進大步流星馳騁在我康莊大道 Oh, I'm an army of one 嘿嘿我魂比擬千軍萬馬 March, march to my own drum 哦我一騎紅塵獨擋一方 March, march to my own drum Hey, hey, I'm an army of one Oh, I'm an army of one