- Big L Devil's Son 歌詞
- Big L
- big l -Devil's Son (Explicit)
Ayo Showbiz 給大家講講 I had this bugged out dream last night that I 昨天晚上我做的一個夢 Was the Devil's son B I was doing some ill sh*t 夢裡我是十惡不赦的惡魔之子 When I was 12I went to hell for snuffing Jesus 在我12歲的時候,我去地獄把耶穌掐斷了氣 I'm waving automatic guns at nuns 我對著修女揮舞自動步槍 When I was 12I went to hell for snuffing Jesus 在我12歲的時候,我去地獄把耶穌掐斷了氣 I'm waving automatic guns at nuns 我對著修女揮舞自動步槍 L's a rebel on a higher level go get a shovel L是個叛逆者,比你們高出好幾個層次,你們最好現在就開始料理後事 Cause I'm the only son of the motherf**king devil 因為我是惡魔的獨生子 It's a fact I'm living foul black 哥們我的生活確實骯髒至極 Ni**as should have known I was sick from the sh*t I did a while back 從我很久之前幹的好事就能看出來我是個什麼東西 Cause being bad I couldn't stop 因為當個壞蛋讓我欲罷不能 When I was in pre-school I beat a kid to death with a wooden block 在學前班我就用木板超度了一個孩子 Faggot ni**as I was back slapping 我反手對著蠢貨們就是一巴掌 I realized that every time I got mad something bad happened 我發現每當我生氣時,有人就要倒大霉了 A ni**a hit me with a can of beer then he ran in fear 有個兄弟用一罐啤酒砸我,然後他害怕得拔腿就跑 Later they found him hanging from a chandelier 不久之後人們發現他被掛在了吊燈上 Enemies I be bucking quick 我以迅雷不及掩耳之勢把敵人掀翻在地 My moms know who I am because she know who she was f**king with 我媽最知道我是誰,因為她知道和她一起生我的那位可不是好惹的 On my skull the 666no tricks 我的頭蓋骨上明明白白刻著666(西方文化中撒旦的代稱) When I catch fits my mom picks up the crucifix 我一生氣,我媽都得趕緊拿起十字架祈禱 And I kill chumps for the cheapest price 我收最少的錢鯊最多的人 I'm rolling with Satan not Jesus Christ 和我一起混的是撒旦,不是耶穌基督 Enemies I got several done 我廢了好幾個和我作對的人 Big L straight from hell the motherf**king Devil's Son Big L,從地獄徑直爬上來的惡魔之子 When I was 12I went to hell for snuffing Jesus 在我12歲的時候,我去地獄把耶穌掐斷了氣 I'm waving automatic guns at nuns 我對著修女揮舞自動步槍 It's Big L and I'm all about taking funds Big L我來錢可不是一般的快 I'm a stone villian known for killing and raping nuns 我十惡不赦,連修女都敢搞 Ayo I even kill handicapped and crippled b**ches 我甚至連殘疾小妞都不放過 Look at my scalp real close and you'll see triple sixes 好好看看我的頭皮,上面刻著惡魔的印記 There's no doubt I'm all about a dollar 毫無疑問,我和錢的緣分未盡 I just signed a lifetime contract with the funeral parlor 我剛和殯儀館簽了終身契約 This kid that owed me dough I didn't take his life 這孩子欠我不少錢,我留了他一命 Instead I tied him up and made him watch me rape his wife 然後把他綁起來看我和他老婆翻雲覆雨 One ni**a cold tried to diss me and that sh*t is risky 有位兄弟對我不敬,這可是非常危險的 The ni**a took a swung but he missed me 他掄胳臂想揍我,但沒有碰到我一根毫毛 So I popped off mad chunks not junk 所以我讓這位好兄弟當場歸西 I spit in his motherf**king face and then walked off 我沖他的臉上啐了一口,大搖大擺地走開了 Once a hottie shot me with a shottie 有一次一個辣妹拿著霰彈槍射我 I died but then I came back to life in another body 我去地獄玩了一圈回來,在另一具身體裡復活了 The way I'm living is dead wrong 我的生活方式錯到無可救藥 I'm a devil from Hell without the tail or the red horns 雖然沒有尾巴或者紅色的角,但我的確是來自地獄的惡魔 Killing is fun I'm 1with a gun 鯊人太好玩了,我用槍的技術無人能敵 Front and get done cause you can't run from the Devil's Son 跟我面前裝b你就快把自己玩死了,因為沒有人能逃出惡魔之子的手掌心 When I was 12I went to hell for snuffing Jesus 在我12歲的時候,我去地獄把耶穌掐斷了氣 I'm waving automatic guns at nuns 我對著修女揮舞自動步槍 The Big L is strictly gunplay Big L我對開槍毫不含糊 I run through church and pistol-whip the priest every Sunday 每週日我都衝進教堂,用槍柄對著牧師的臉就是一頓猛砸 Once I put out the crazy order 等我辦完手上的單子 I sent ni**as to kill Tone his mom and his baby daughter 我就派人去把他們家裡的老母和寶貝女兒一併做掉(這兩句譯者也不確定,懇請指正) I'm living up to my extortion image 我毫不辜負我的形象 I be stalking Lennox catching more bodies than abortion clinics 我潛伏在Lennox的大街小巷中,抓去地獄的人數比墮胎診所送去的還多 A kid tried to take L out 有個孩子想幹掉我 Shot me with a tech I just laughed and spit the shell out 他用泰克衝鋒槍射我,我大笑著吐出了所有子彈 Next I took his gun then he dropped to his knees 接著我拿走了他的槍,他跪倒在我面前 With ease I made him freeze he begged me please not to squeeze 我不費吹灰之力讓他僵在原地,他求我不要扣動扳機 But I ain't the type to bust I just sniped a bus 我才不是會大搞破壞的那種人,不過剛剛才射翻一輛公交車而已 Gunclap bang Another ni**a bites the dust 槍響了,砰!又一位兄弟要到地底下吃土去了 Shorts I'm taking none 我從來不為了出名抄近路,給別人溜鬚拍馬 Misbehave and get sent to the grave by the Devil's Son 表現不好只會胡鬧的兄弟們,就等著被惡魔之子送進墳墓吧 Word Big L the motherf**king Devil's Son is definitely in effect Big L 是惡魔之子這句話可不是說著玩的 Giving a shout out to all the murderers thieves armed robbers 在這裡祝福所有的惡棍暴徒 Serial killers phychos lunatics crackheads mental patients 瘋子,神經病人和弱智 Mental retards and a special shoutout to all the ni**as with AIDS peace 特別祝福那些得了艾滋病的兄弟們 When I was 12I went to hell for snuffing Jesus 在我12歲的時候,我去地獄把耶穌掐斷了氣 I'm waving automatic guns at nuns 我對著修女揮舞自動步槍