- CHENYUKUN one 歌詞
- 建了那麼多的高樓
還有人睡在街頭 會有人裝作高手 對我提出要求 盼著我出點紕漏 sorry bro 因為嫉妒我只對金錢低頭 身邊的人來了又走 像手裡的money come and go it wont pay back when i pay all 所以不如hustle換點酒肉朋友 you know what i feel 有多難受 那就let it go 用直截的方式處理掉了enemy everyone不禁對我發出感嘆 不斷的test me 成為best me是next me時間短暫 no pain no gain 不是慈善 餵有質疑的人吃子彈 push me push me是正確答案 不像算術題 輕鬆的絆住你 哪怕你很累 做的不對 就會有人對你看不起 但這對我來說 根本就不算刺激 too many things one by one one by one 都在bothering me too many things one by one one by one 全部deal with it too many things one by one one by one 都在bothering me too many things one by one one by one 全部deal with it too many things one by one one by one 都在bothering me too many things one by one one by one 全部deal with it 要保持冷靜 眼睛看仔細 走在刀尖之上哪有什麼穩定 掙扎出困境 我很肯定 要走得起無情才應該是本性 石子泛起漣漪 我像塊千斤巨石掀起千層浪 保持好狀態 機會不曾讓 血紅的雙眼只能拼命的run 拼命的寫拼命的唱 獨來獨往無法阻擋 讓我不爽的pussy都被清理出場 就算是沒有簽證我也能夠起飛 b7 give me nothing 除了讓我肉體累 別問我休息沒 都差勁只能夠在我的後面追 偷偷的流眼淚 餵 告訴你我要成為 不會被擊敗的富一代 看我會有多厲害 擋路的被我kick ass 一腳踢開 低端玩家連規則都還沒有搞明白 too many things one by one one by one 都在bothering me too many things one by one one by one 全部deal with it too many things one by one one by one 都在bothering me too many things one by one one by one 全部deal with it