- Colian blameless baby 歌詞
- ECHO Colian
- what you see is what you get
所見及所得 now it's easy 那一切就變得簡單了 我知道我們已經沒有餘地 不要再審判我了 我們一去不復返 在扔掉你的clothes 麻煩把味道也帶走 我懷疑你本來就知道這一切將要發生的後果 將行李打包後 look at me shining like a dimond 但是我還是做出了決定 please Don't judge me. We're long gone now oh sweetie 愛是被灼燒的友誼 i wonder if you know 我們當初不該以身試險 but I made decision 吃一塹長一智
我不會再允許你掠走我的心 love is firendship set on fire 我早知你不會坦誠相待 we shoudn't risk it at beginning 你本該為此感到愧疚 but sorry now I'm becoming wiser 但你卻裝作一臉無辜 u cant get nothing even greeting from me 你面露笑容 I bet u wouldn't tell truth 裝作無事發生 that will be a shame for you 你仍妄圖置身事外 but u thought that u were blameless 你臉皮厚 u pretended to be happy 你可以看遍世界 like nothing ever happened 多來些多來些 u still thought that u were blameless 一槍了結我吧,我無法自控
骨瘦嶙峋的愛夾著謊言,我卻仍被你吸引 you thought that u were blameless 撕裂我吧,讓我擺脫折磨 我爬出你的陷阱 一旦陷入,便很難不一錯再錯 我撿起我的照片上面留了你的鞋印 我懷疑你本來就知道這一切將要發生的後果 you can tour round the world 但是我還是做出了決定 但你找不到比我堅定的 愛是被灼燒的友誼 more want sum more 我們當初不該以身試險 我要更多藥物騙醒我 吃一塹長一智 hit me wit a nine I cant hold horses 我不會再允許你掠走我的心 skinny love with lies ur so ****ing gorgeous 我早知你不會坦誠相待 tear me into parts get me out of torment 你本該為此感到愧疚 once it get starded u'll be hard to stop them 但你卻裝作一臉無辜 I wonder if u know 你面露笑容 but I made decision 裝作無事發生
你仍妄圖置身事外 love is firendship set on fire 你還覺得你是無辜的嗎 we shoudn't risk it at beginning 愛是被灼燒的友誼 but sorry now I'm becoming wiser 我們當初不該以身試險 u cant get nothing even greeting from me 吃一塹長一智 I bet u wouldn't tell truth 我不會再允許你掠走我的心 that will be a shame for you 我早知你不會坦誠相待 but u thought that u were blameless 你本該為此感到愧疚 u pretended to be happy 但你卻裝作一臉無辜 like nothing ever happened 你面露笑容 u still thought that u were blameless 裝作無事發生
你仍妄圖置身事外 u still thought that u were blameless 不要審判我了 我們一去不復返
你沒見過黃昏到黎明是什麼樣子 love is firendship set on fire 我賭你到現在都還不會說出真相 we shoudn't risk it at beginning 因為那對於你來說是極大的羞恥 but sorry now I'm becoming wiser 所以你最終還是那個最無辜的人 u cant get nothing even greeting from me I bet u wouldn't tell truth that will be a shame for you but u thought that u were blameless u pretended to be happy like nothing ever happened u still thought that u were blameless please Don't judge me. We're long gone You have't seen dusk till dawn I bet u wouldn't tell truth that will be a shame for you but u thought that u were blameless