- Giggle_B ❤-R.I.P 歌詞
- Giggle_B
- he once loved a girl she is kind
the future in her He wants to find But the bro was like a child wow He wants to grow nobody knows 他溫存了無數個溫馨畫面 他內心充滿了困惑但依然掛念她 情緒塌陷孤獨和焦慮交雜著 刺痛他心臟的惡魔手裡刀拿著 他清晰記得那天哭得撕心裂肺 他放鬆內心戒備 扮演了一組抽涕的配音樂隊 但他依然想要獨擋一面 即便是隔閡在中間挑撥離間 他心裡充滿矛盾便試著逃避 被自己的壞心思所調戲 但他依然牢記她在家waiting for me Could you Wait for me? I will hold you baby don't worry 他無神的雙目盯著窗外的桑樹 玻璃窗上的霜露 Lady can you feel me? 借助煙火的幫助 化為了香霧 一道漂浮著的光束 孤獨便開始光顧 他的生活慢慢變得糟糕 他懂得後果需要自掏腰包 深陷其中的他被陰霾包抄 眼角的淚水猶如江水滔滔 但他悄悄擦乾眼淚 場景被陰雨天點綴 一顆完整的心被剪碎 他傷透女孩 雨滴落在他頭頂沖動的慾望減退 他多想再次貼著女孩臉睡 互相抱緊交換溫度 雙手在被子裡自覺相扣起來 Here one day then gone away Forever ever ever ever things will never be the same things will never be the same Here one day then gone away Forever ever ever ever And all that remain is the pain 她逐漸沉默也曾在男孩身體留下吻痕 她告訴男孩不在原地踏步不再等人 但她是男孩思念的對像或許已是本能 聊天窗口在慢慢步入冷門 他們隔三差五吵架 感情像鐵鏽一樣開始老化 支撐不住終將倒下 但她依然在為這段感情保駕護航 陪男孩度過每個夜晚在雙人木床 一次次寒心失望在堆積 她獨自登上飛往三亞的飛機 撿起了貝殼 也許她累了不想再配合 墜入了淚河從此背對背著 男孩想帶她吃最喜愛吃的 但眼眶濕了將眼睛瞇著 她從來對男孩都是依著 心中原以為不滅的那團愛火也熄了 Here one day then gone away Forever ever ever ever things will never be the same things will never be the same Here one day then gone away Forever ever ever ever And all that remain is the pain I say It's been a little while since I seen your face getting kinda hard to move on But the pain is motivation and I'm doing my job Running innovation know the song It's been a little while since I seen your face getting kinda hard to move on But the pain is motivation though its frustrating You don't know what you have until it's gone then gone away then gone away then gone away