- K.O.R Vibe 歌詞
- K.O.R
- 編曲: pink
從沒想過你 Never think about u 那麼多夜晚 So many nights 卻又想起你 Ever think about u 那麼多次 So many times Baby你那麼精緻 Baby u so fancy 你讓我中計 U had a vibe Baby讓我告訴你 Baby let me tell u 我會成為你唯一 I'll be the one(Yeah) 我會成為花言巧語的那一個 I'll be the one that telling the lies 我會成為讓你入迷的那一個 I'll be the one that shoot out the vibe 我會成為給你做早餐的那一個 I'll be the one that cooking u breakfast 我會成為輕拍你的貓的那一個 I'll be the one that patting ur cat 我已經放棄了整片樹林 I had devastated all my plans for the side one 沒人那麼傻,我就是那個壞人 Ain't nobody fool I'm a bad guy 究竟該何時開口要你微信 When its the good time to ask for ur WeChat 你在我腦海縈繞 U've been linger on my mind 從沒想過你 Never think about u 那麼多夜晚 So many nights 卻又想起你 Ever think about u 那麼多次 So many times Baby你那麼精緻 Baby u so fancy 你讓我中計 U had a vibe Baby讓我告訴你 Baby let me tell u 我會成為你唯一 I'll be the one(Yeah) 關上你在看的書 Close up ur book ay 爬上床 Climb on the bed 調暗這個夜晚 Darken the night 背對我扭動起來 Twerking ur back 我經過你的胸前 I run through ur chest 你的呼吸卸掉了我的武裝 U breath me undressed 你像隻小寵物 U small little pet 我說著嗅探你的脖頸 I go sniff on ur neck 夜晚的微風 Breeze in the night 吹拂而過 Drifting on by 告訴你最好的 Told u the best 都即將成為我的 Yet to be mine 你好便是邀請 Hey is the invite 不願問你姓名 Name is the Bye 你從沒打給過我 U never call me 從沒想過你 Never think about u 那麼多夜晚 So many nights 總是想起你 Ever think about u 那麼多次 So many times Baby你那麼精緻 Baby u so fancy 你讓我中計 U had a vibe Baby讓我告訴你 Baby let me tell u 你如此獨一無二 U are the vibe 從沒想過你 Never think about u 那麼多夜晚 So many nights 總是想起你 Ever think about u 那麼多次 So many times Baby你那麼精緻 Baby u so fancy 你讓我中計 U had a vibe Baby讓我告訴你 Baby let me tell u 你如此獨一無二 U are the vibe “我關注你了啊” “So I followed ur Instagram” “就這樣” “All right” 混音母帶: K.O.R 出品人: 於明 統籌: 唐瀟/甜甜兒 發行: 水星音樂