- Romy Dya Fire It Up 歌詞
- Ruud Romy Dya
- (Fire it up)
(燃燒吧) Although I'm tired 儘管我已經筋疲力竭 And the world is spinning round me 整個世界都在我的周遭天旋地轉 This time I will not give up 這次我決不輕言放棄 No 絕對不會 This time I will not give up 我絕不退縮半步 No 斷然不能 Oh, nah, nah, nah 輕易放棄從來不是我的風格
瞧我完全不用依賴他人 See I can do this all alone 生來堅韌不拔 Iron in my bones 如今我不屈不撓 I am standing tall now 每一條逆流 For every river 我都能迎難而上 I'll make a way 我們背負著愛而奮戰 And now we're fighting with agape 即使我墜入了萬丈深淵
我也能重整旗鼓 Even if I fall ten thousand miles 點燃它 I dust myself off and fire 喚起昔日的熱情 Fire it up 撥旺心裡的火苗 Fire it up, yeah 重新振作起來 Fire it up 我一條路走到黑 Fire it up, yeah 過去畏首畏尾如今我羽翼豐滿 I'm ready to do this on my own 助燃它 Used to be afraid but now I'm grown 喚醒舊日的夢想 Fire it up 激發內心的鬥志 Fire it up , yeah 再次踏上征程 Fire it up (燃燒吧) Fire it up, yeah 重燃它 (Fire it up) 照亮最初的方向 Fire it up 開啟新的篇章 Fire it up, yeah 學會全力抗爭 Fire it up 點燃那團火焰 Fire it up, yeah 當我又一次置身風暴中心
這次我將無所畏懼 Lit up that fire 面不改容 When the weapons turned against me 萬夫不當 But this time I will not fear, no 我一意孤行 No this time I will not fear 生來不服輸 Oh, nah, nah, nah 現在起我永不低頭
每一道險阻 See I can do this all alone 我都能翻越過去 Iron in my bones 我們以愛為盾而戰鬥 I am standing tall now 即使跌落了無盡深淵 For every river 我也能重頭再來 I'll make a way 躁動起來 And now we're fighting with agape 內心的狂熱
燃燒下去 Even if I fall ten thousand miles 不滅的鬥志 I dust myself off and fire 我決心要憑藉一己之力 Fire it up 曾經擔驚受怕如今卻也能泰然處之 Fire it up, yeah 點燃它 Fire it up 喚起昔日的熱情 Fire it up , yeah 撥旺心裡的火苗 I'm ready to do this on my own 重新振作起來 Used to be afraid but now I'm grown (燃燒吧) Fire it up 助燃它 Fire it up, yeah 喚醒舊日的夢想 Fire it up 激發內心的鬥志 Fire it up, yeah 再次踏上征程 (Fire it up) 即使掉入了無底之淵 Fire it up 我也能重燃鬥志 Fire it up, yeah 重燃它 Fire it up 照亮最初的方向 Fire it up, yeah 開啟新的篇章 Even if I fall ten thousand miles 學會全力抗爭 I dust myself off and fire (燃燒吧) Fire it up 我堅持己見義無反顧 Fire it up, yeah 害怕過可如今我已所向披靡 Fire it up 燃起鬥志 Fire it up, yeah 掙脫枷鎖 (Fire it up) 迎難而上 I'm ready to do this on my own 捲土重來 Used to be afraid but now I'm grown (燃燒吧) Fire it up 重整旗鼓 Fire it up, yeah 衝破阻礙 Fire it up 逆流而上 Fire it up, yeah 浴火重生 (Fire it up) (重新振作起來) Fire it up Fire it up, yeah Fire it up Fire it up, yeah (Fire it up)