- doomsday (piano reprise) 歌詞 Architects
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- Architects doomsday (piano reprise) 歌詞
- Architects
- Remember when hell had frozen over?
你是否曾記得那地獄滴水成冰的日子嗎? The cold still burns underneath my skin 徹骨的寒風仍然無情蔓延滲入我的全身 The water is rising all around me 我身旁噴薄欲出的寒水似乎要將我淹沒 And there is nothing left I can give 總會物是人非我卻永遠無法託付這一切 All these tears I've shed 而所有這些都是導致我潸然淚下的原因 I saw the wildfire spread 側目而視這熊熊烈火蔓延四方 You said you cheated death 你卻對我說你對死亡一無所知 But heaven was in my head 但是天堂僅僅存留在我腦海裡 They say the good die young 他們全都說好人只會英年早逝 No use in saying 'what is done is done' 沒有一人告訴我“往事如煙過去的已經過去了” 'Cause it's not enough 因為我還沒有資格吧 And when the night gives way 當夜幕籠罩銷聲匿蹟之時 It's like a brand new doomsday 如同又一次滅頂之災來臨 What will be will be 那這將會什麼樣呢? Every river flows into the sea 海納百川各得其所 But it's never enough 但這還不夠啊…… And when the night gives way 當萬籟俱寂為我們開拓出新路時 It's like like a brand new doomsday 宛若世界末日的到來 It's like a brand new doomsday 滅頂之災的來臨…… The embers still glow when I 'm sober 我神智依舊清晰燃燒的灰燼發出耀眼的光芒 The gold in the flame burns brighter now 火光烈焰中的寶物如今更加光華奪目 I have to rebuild, now it's over 我必須重新振作起來現在該是結束這一切的時刻 Maybe now I'm lost, I can live 或許現在我已經神誌不清但我依舊英姿颯爽 Souls don 't break, they bend 我的靈魂就算飽經苦難也不會破碎不堪 But I sometimes forget 但我有時會想忘記這一切 I have to do this for you 我必須為你唱出這首歌 And the only way out is through 通往勝利彼方就要披荊斬棘 Death is an open door 死亡之門依舊為你開放 Words the prophets said 聖人為你悼念最後的訃告 Still swimming through my head 我腦海中思緒飛揚剪不斷理不斷 Now there's no stars left in the sky 天空黯淡無光失去了曾經閃爍的繁星 'Cause this well will never run dry 但這裡依舊安好並永不枯竭 What if I completely forget? 如果我能夠將這份悲痛回憶忘卻了呢? What if I never accept? 如果我能夠從不接受這現實呢? 'Cause when you fade away 若你灰飛煙滅從此消失於我的生命中 It's like a brand new doomsday 這對以我來說就是末日降臨啊 They say the good die young 人生天地之間若白駒之過卻忽然而已…… No use in saying 'what is done is done' 沒有人會對你說“不要再回憶都已經過去了” 'Cause it's not enough 依舊無人向我闡明這道理 And when the night gives way 當夜幕籠罩銷聲匿蹟之時 It's like a brand new doomsday 又一場新的折磨再次蔓延全身 What will be will be 未來會如何我將去何方呢? Every river flows into the sea 每條河流都能夠有一處歸往 But it's never enough 但是我卻從未心滿意足 And when the night gives way 我多麼想撕破這暗無天日的世界 It's like a brand new doomsday 新的末日降臨了 It's like a brand new doomsday 你我都將痛不欲生……