- Jamie Scott Friendly Fire 歌詞
- Jamie Scott
- You can carry all you want
你可以隨心所欲 But your body calls time 但必須分秒必爭 You say you need a little drinking 你說只想小酌一杯 But your body aint lying 但你的身體貪而無厭 Now its come around baby 現在又來了寶貝 And here we go again 我們再一次陷入循環 We said wed never go to war 曾說我們永不會交火 Now theres nothing left worth fighting for 現在也沒有什麼值得為之戰鬥的了 We started off so good 我們擁有完美的開始 But now were battered and were bruised 現在卻在硝煙中鼻青臉腫奄奄一息 We can barely stand up in the ruins 在廢墟里無力站起 Look at how we got caught up 看看我們怎樣被捲入 In the friendly fire 這場可笑的誤傷 Look at how we got caught up 怎樣在矛盾中苦苦掙扎 Didnt mean to hurt you 並非故意卻已傷你 Look at how we got caught up 看看我們怎樣被捲入 In the friendly fire 這場荒唐的誤傷 Look at how we got caught up 怎樣自相傷害樂此不疲 I didnt mean, to hurt you 我無心之失卻已經傷害你 Here you come again baby, with your love 你又伴隨著舊愛浮現眼前 You got the same old look in your eye, my god 天啊連眼神也不曾改變 And now you tell me Im crazy 現在你說我瘋了 So here we go again 我們再一次陷入循環 You said wed never go to war 你曾說我們永不會交火 Now theres nothing left worth fighting for 現在也沒有什麼值得為之戰鬥的了 We started off so good 我們擁有完美的開始 But now were battered and were bruised 現在卻在硝煙中身負重創身心俱疲 We can barely stand up in the ruins 在廢墟里無力站起 Look at how we got caught up 看看我們怎樣被捲入 In the friendly fire 這場可笑的誤傷 Look at how we got caught up 怎樣在矛盾中苦苦掙扎 Didnt mean to hurt you 並非故意卻已傷你 Look at how we got caught up 看看我們怎樣被捲入 In the friendly fire 這場荒唐的誤傷 Look at how we got caught up 怎樣自相傷害樂此不疲 I didnt mean to hurt you 我無心之失卻已經傷害你 I wanna lie under the stars tonight 今晚我想在星空下 dreaming of somebody who holds me 夢中有相擁依偎的人 I wanna lie under the stars tonight 今晚我願繁星點綴 Dreaming of somebody who knows me 夢中有靈魂相契的人 Here we go again 我們再一次陷入循環 We say wed never go to war 曾說我們永不會交火 Now theres nothing left worth fighting for 現在也沒有什麼值得為之戰鬥的了 We started off so good 我們擁有完美的開始 But now were battered and were bruised 現在卻在硝煙中身負重創奄奄一息 We can barely stand up in the ruins 在廢墟里無力站起 Look at how we got caught up 看看我們怎樣被捲入 In the friendly fire 這場可笑的誤傷 Look at how we got caught up 怎樣在矛盾中苦苦掙扎 Didnt mean to hurt you 並非故意卻已傷你 Look at how we got caught up 看看我們怎樣被捲入 In the friendly fire 這場荒唐的誤傷 Look at how we got caught up 怎樣自相傷害樂此不疲 I didnt mean to hurt you 無心之失卻已經傷害你