- 豎樂兄弟 Money and Love 歌詞
- 膛詞廠 楊林Crazed 豎樂兄弟
- 也許曾經的我很窮
Maybe once before I had no money 看著你坐上了別人的跑車 Watching you from afar sit in someone else's ferrar 居然還背著我送你的名牌包包 I can't believe you still carry that gucci bag I bought for you 壞女孩立起了牌坊選擇離開了我 You chose to leave me, Obviously a bitch and packaging herself as pure as a maiden 寶貝,是我對你太溫柔了 Baby, I'm too gentle with you 你想要的我從來不會說不 I never said no as long as you wanted it 也不會因為沒錢的事情找藉口 And it's not because of money that I will put it off 我對你從來都不會拒絕 I would never say no to you 在你的屁股上有我名字 My name is on your butt. 那是你為了騙我的方式 That's what you did to get to me 你曾經說過來年要幫我過的生日 You said you'd help me celebrate my birthday next year 再送我一雙籃球鞋 Want to gift me a pair of AJ's 我發誓 I swear 我曾經真的相信過你 I really used to believe you 誰知道這只是一場夢境 Who knew that all this was just a dream 原來這一切都是騙局,就像是某部電影你跟著電影裡的劇情在飆演技 It's all a hoax, like the plot of a movie you Cosplay 你好,我的前女友 Hello, my ex-girlfriend 如今的我早已今非昔比 I'm different now, even better than I was before 我憑著過人的才華代表貴陽這座城市 I represent Guiyang city with extraordinary talent 高調的我也賺了不少的錢 High profile, I also make a lot of money 我相信我早晚都會成為中國最有錢的說唱歌手 I believe that I will become a rapper like Jay-z sooner or later 也許曾經的我很窮 Maybe once before I had no money 看著你坐上了別人的跑車 Watching you from afar sit in someone else's ferrar 居然還背著我送你的名牌包包 I can't believe you still carry that gucci bag I bought for you 壞女孩立起了牌坊選擇離開了我 You chose to leave me, Obviously a bitch and packaging herself as pure as a maiden 寶貝,是我對你太溫柔了 Baby, I'm too gentle with you 你想要的我從來不會說不 I never said no as long as you wanted it 也不會因為沒錢的事情找藉口 And it's not because of money that I will put it off 我對你從來都不會拒絕 I would never say no to you 還好我有個音樂的夢想 Thank God for giving me this musical dream 拿著麥克風在舞台上拼命的釋放自己 Let me to shine on stage with a microphone 從叛逆到成功 From my previous rebellion to my success of today 我做了很多行動 I've made a ton of moves 我無時無刻都在提醒自己不能放鬆 I keep reminding myself that I can't relax 把漂亮想法換成更多錢 When I exchange beautiful ideas for more money 同時也拒絕了很多沒必要的社交 I've also rejected a lot of unnecessary socializing 哪怕是寂寞的時候我會選擇一個人在家裡 Even when I'm very lonely, I choose to stay at home alone 自從我學會了愛我自己,要好好保護身體 I've learned to love myself, to protect my body 錢錢錢......我睜開眼睛都在賺著錢 Money money money Making money everyday 我還有更多的計劃你知道的 I have more plans, you should know 錢在我的心目中很重要 money on my mind 也許曾經的我很窮 Maybe once before I had no money 看著你坐上了別人的跑車 Watching you from afar sit in someone else's ferrar 居然還背著我送你的名牌包包 I can't believe you still carry that gucci bag I bought for you 壞女孩立起了牌坊選擇離開了我 You chose to leave me, Obviously a bitch and packaging herself as pure as a maiden 寶貝,是我對你太溫柔了 Baby, I'm too gentle with you 你想要的我從來不會說不 I never said no as long as you wanted it 也不會因為沒錢的事情找藉口 And it's not because of money that I will put it off 我對你從來都不會拒絕 I would never say no to you
錄音棚:膛詞廠Rich Studio 錄音師:Young Siri 混音師:老豬/Young Siri 母帶工程師:Young Siri 監製:楊林Crazed/Young Siri 封面設計:Mitsui 歌詞翻譯:小莎 發行:膛詞廠獨立音樂廠牌