- Kirsty劉瑾睿 Untouchable 觸不可及 歌詞
- Kirsty劉瑾睿
- Everybody wants to be like you
你是每個人的繆斯 Illuminating 慕你萬丈光芒 Visionary 借你高瞻遠眺 Everybody wants a piece of you 你是每個人的渴望 Attraction stays on surface 佔有你的美色 Treated like an object 掠奪你的力量 But I just wanna tell you 我們私奔到地廣人稀的懷俄明州吧 That I'm all about that farm life in Wyoming 日夜憧憬的田園就在手邊 And live our rustic fantasy 質樸卻自由,歲月常廝守 And I know you want this all the time 我深知你心,在迷茫中喚醒 But you thinkin about fame all your life 你現在追名逐利,忘記快樂的含義 And I,I'll be waiting for you to let me in 但無論如何,我都伴你左右 To let me in 等你與我同行 To let me in 讓我住進你心 Just let me in 一起書寫愛的真諦 My mama told me don't trust no fools 媽媽曾說:“別太把男孩子的情話當回事” He's with calypso “他或許就像Odysse一樣” Since 3 years ago “早在三年前,身邊就有Calypso相伴” But I told them I could care less 但我毫不在意成見 Cause my love is greater 我的心意無所保留 It's pain it's sugar 我深知我們的愛終將苦盡甘來 But I just wanna tell you 我們私奔到地廣人稀的懷俄明州吧 That I'm all about that farm life in Wyoming 日夜憧憬的田園就在手邊 And live our rustic fantasy 質樸卻自由,歲月常廝守 And I know you want this all the time 我深知你心,在迷茫中喚醒 But you thinkin about fame all your life 只是現在的你花盡心思慕求虛名 And I,I'll be waiting for you to call my name 但無論如何,我都伴你左右 To call my name 終有一天,你會喚著我的名字 Let me in 伴著夕陽 Let me in 在我們雙手建造的屋簷下 Just let me in 互訴衷心 Let me in 當那一刻來臨 Just let me in 我們和愛已深深觸及
出品人:劉自 製作人:泰然 編曲:馮晨曦 錄音:朝日森林錄音棚 縮混:馮晨曦 母帶工程師:馮晨曦 中文譯詞:劉韞韜/劉瑾睿 統籌:鄔誕妮 攝影:鄭東 封面設計:泰然 藝人經紀:NMI自然現象