- Chace Us 歌詞
- Chace
- When the lights go up at night,
夜幕降臨, 華燈初上, Fever rising, mesmerizing. 情緒升溫, 神思迷惘. Get the keys and hold on tight, 發動引擎,穩坐起航, Speed is rising, maximizing. 風馳電掣, 熠熠星光. Let's get away, without goodbyes, Far away, just you and I. 不辭而別, 一無往返, Just imagine a world nobody can reach us, 天涯海角, 比翼相然. It's only us, Just love and lust. 遠離塵世, 坦然釋懷, Stay next to me , 只此只彼, 愛欲為歡. There ain't much to say now, We can feel this beat, 陪在我的身邊, Close your eyes and stay up we've got time. 不用過多言語, Let's just stay offline, 聽個小曲, leave this all behind, 閉上眼或熬一夜,有的是時間. All these stars align. 忘了喧囂, I'm catching waves with you, 擺脫雜念, Ride this way with you, 群星齊列. There's no plan for you, There is no take two. 情孚意合, Just imagine a world nobody can reach us, 與我同行, It's only us, Just love and lust. 趁波逐浪, When the lights go up at night, 孤注一擲. Fever rising, mesmerizing. Get the keys and hold on tight , 遠離塵世, 坦然釋懷, Speed is rising, maximizing. 只此只彼, 愛欲為歡. Let's get away, without goodbyes, Far away, just you and I. 夜幕降臨, 華燈初上, Just imagine a world nobody can reach us, 情緒升溫, 神思迷惘. It's only us, Just love and lust. 發動引擎,穩坐起航, Just love and lust.. 風馳電掣, 熠熠星光. When the lights go up at night, Fever rising, mesmerizing. 不辭而別, 一無往返, Get the keys and hold on tight, 天涯海角, 比翼相然. Speed is rising, maximizing. 遠離塵世, 坦然釋懷, Let's get away.. 只此只彼, 愛欲為歡. Far away..