- OLD NinE九哥 戰役 BattleFury 歌詞
- Lizah OLD NinE九哥
- 錄音: 悉尼3by3 Studio
後期: 廣州ZeroMusic-FungChi 封面: 顧融章 All The soldiers holding guns on the ground/持槍的戰士們已準備就緒 I Know my bro will never let me down/我的兄弟從不曾讓我失望 The whole crowd is shouting so loud/湧動的人潮他們在大聲叫喊呼喚 The Storm tearing clouds star starting to fall/風暴撕裂陰雲繁星墜落 The the earth is shaking like a fury beast/大地震顫如猛獸 Lit lit up with the flying raging flame /熊熊烈火燃燒 Na nature is calling our damned soul /大自然在呼喚著勇士的靈魂 Let's knockING on the god damned door !/打開這扇通向戰場的大門 Verse 1 Old NinE 戰火的味道混雜戰場的硝煙 閃躲著嘴炮對於你我的考驗 冒險老練的好漢談笑間不羈調侃 肆無忌憚叫喊心慌繚亂豪言撼地搖天 我手握著亨利馬丁尼 再多挫折也要活著撐起那情義 人生的戰場就讓我等開天闢地 真正的戰役讓我獲勝天經地義 我要堅定不停前行不管天性還是天命 讓我填平這個陷阱走遍天地日行千里 握緊我的衝鋒槍激起遍地漣漪 火拼落得動鋒芒只對天意厭離 這些年從來沒想過那些揮霍的過去 特別甜的這些天一事無成彷若再玩十年我也在街邊看 我黑怕人生苦短一點不愁 廢話噴不斷一眼看透 All The soldiers holding guns on the ground/持槍的戰士們已準備就緒 I Know my bro will never let me down/我的兄弟從不曾讓我失望 The whole crowd is shouting so loud/湧動的人潮他們在大聲叫喊呼喚 The Storm tearing clouds star starting to fall/風暴撕裂陰雲繁星墜落 The the earth is shaking like a fury beast/大地震顫如猛獸 Lit lit up with the flying raging flame /熊熊烈火燃燒 Na nature is calling our damned soul /大自然在呼喚著勇士的靈魂 Let's knockING on the god damned door !/打開這扇通向戰場的大門 Verse2 Lizah Catastrophe is here for sure/這場災難已避無可避 Moralities lives no more/道德觀念早已死亡 And the Humanities were ignored at all/人性也被忽視 We are now rushing Into the storm/這場風暴在召喚著我們 Here is the fate token/這是像徵命運的擲幣 Representing our fortune/代表著我們的幸運 The faith has been stolen/可被盜取的信念 comes violent stream of torrent/帶來了狂暴的洪流 You know I am not joking/如你所見這一切已是現實 Was taught to stopping sobbing/如今腦中迴盪著的是停止哭泣 But I just kept crawling and crawling/聽著加速升空的音爆聲 Hearing velocity soaring/我仍匍匐在地艱難的爬行 society brought me an awful experience/曾經賜予我掙扎將我逼至絕望 that has caught and shove me to the bottom /甚至快要將我碾碎的 then peels skin off me/是這個有趣的社會 He call himself the god of war /曾經認為自己戰無不勝的人 destroyed by the gorgeous /被妖豔的女人奪走了一切 A tour to the disappointing world /當你看到這個令人失望的世界 Then you ain't gonna spit out a single word/等待著你的是瞪大雙眼啞口無言 I'm turning breath less weak and sick/我已窒息感受著弱小至崩潰 menace Tore me in pieces/無限的恐嚇和威脅將我撕碎 Anxiously living thankfully giving up never to attempt 掙扎的生存著感激自己放棄了應該放棄的一切 whatever is in my mind binds me but its the time to stop the kindness/不再去嘗試一切腦中約束著的幻想將所有的美好和仁慈終結在此刻 show the mastermind/將我全部的力量爆發出來 All The soldiers holding guns on the ground/持槍的戰士們已準備就緒 I Know my bro will never let me down/我的兄弟從不曾讓我失望 The whole crowd is shouting so loud/湧動的人潮他們在大聲叫喊呼喚 The Storm tearing clouds star starting to fall/風暴撕裂陰雲繁星墜落 The the earth is shaking like a fury beast/大地震顫如猛獸 Lit lit up with the flying raging flame /熊熊烈火燃燒 Na nature is calling our damned soul /大自然在呼喚著勇士的靈魂 Let's knockING on the god damned door !/打開這扇通向戰場的大門 All The soldiers holding guns on the ground/持槍的戰士們已準備就緒 I Know my bro will never let me down/我的兄弟從不曾讓我失望 The whole crowd is shouting so loud/湧動的人潮他們在大聲叫喊呼喚 The Storm tearing clouds star starting to fall/風暴撕裂陰雲繁星墜落 The the earth is shaking like a fury beast/大地震顫如猛獸 Lit lit up with the flying raging flame /熊熊烈火燃燒 Na nature is calling our damned soul /大自然在呼喚著勇士的靈魂 Let’s * knockING on the god damned door !/打開這扇通向戰場的大門