- Skan No Glory 歌詞
- Skan
- (M.I.M.E)
Found a little bit a light, tryna find my heart 看到了破曉前的一絲曙光希望藉此窺探到我的內心 Funny when I'm bright, gotta lifestyle dark 秉承著光明的信條,卻只能在黑暗中躬耕 Hundy when I write, get a tight flow spark 我寫作時金句唾手可得腦海中不停流出靈感的火花 With a physco chart, playing dice go start 狂熱卻有條不紊的完成著既定的目標用骰子決定下一招 Oh who are you, better know yourself 你想知道怎樣成為真正的人?那麼聽好了 Know your soul gotta know your wealth 探求你的靈魂深處,認識自己的價值 Slow your role, getta a hold don't melt 放慢你的腳步,緊緊把握住每一次的機會 And don't you fall, when it feel like hell 在煉獄般的折磨中仍舊屹立不倒 Oh who am I, M.I.M.E I'm not the one you wanna **** with 我是M.I.M.E,你們可惹不起 Late nights messin' up my sleep so I'm flustered 昨夜我被什麼驚醒輾轉反側緊張不已 Taking out aggression with my pen because I trust it 於是我用我手中的筆作出最有力的攻擊因為我充滿希冀 Writing tryna get myself a lam color custard 我堅信筆尖終會譜寫出奇蹟 For the game 人生如戲充滿奸計 Leave 'em hanging by his chain 他們都被審判,吊死在鎖鏈上可我不會 Click bang, feel enraged 我扣動了扳機,怒火燒灼著我的脊背 Feel it firin' my brain. Feel insane 猶豫就會敗北,果斷才能奪魁! End the story, feel the flame 寫下我生命的終章 我要讓他們嚐嚐烈焰焚身的滋味! 45 to the brain, praying lord please help 我對著上帝祈禱,妄圖贖罪 No Glory 我終意識到,虛榮無謂 No glory, I M.I.M.E I'm not the one you wanna **** with 我是M.I.M.E,你們可惹不起 Late nights messin' up my sleep so I'm flustered 昨夜我被什麼驚醒輾轉反側緊張不已 Taking out aggression with my pen because I trust it 於是我用我手中的筆作出最有力的攻擊因為我充滿希冀 Writing tryna get myself a lam color custard 我堅信筆尖終會譜寫出奇蹟 No glory 那些虛榮都毫無意義 (Drama B) (Drama B) Remember 我始終銘記於心 I used to be that kidthat everyday would get rejected 我是個曾處處碰壁,被夢想拒之門外的棄子 Y'all got my story the glory was painted on a song 你們都讀到了我的傳記知道榮耀被銘刻於藝術之上 I'm mortified but feel immortal 我有些尷尬卻又為我精神的不朽感到自豪 This pen to this paper always open up different portals 紙面上的筆能讓不同的人走向不同的出路 It's I and me, it's me and I'm by myself I'm down to ride 是我是我還是我,我在承受這苦難的生活 Taking on the tides, size of tsunamis touchin' the sky 彷彿在沖天海嘯上馳騁,我的人生由我掌舵 I get a quick scan, it's time to move 銳利的鷹眼閃爍,匆匆的腳步掠過 Leavin' everything else behind I got something to prove 將一切拋之腦後,我要證明我存在的意義! I'm just running away 我只是在逃避 No, I ain't running away 不,勇士怎能逃避? I got memories saved 我找回了我失去的記憶 Oh I'm just finding my place 我只是在找尋我究竟歸屬於哪裡.... Where I belong to 人生何處不青山?可埋骨只需桑梓地 Barely glory in my soul 所謂的榮耀不再存於我的靈魂裡 Eyy I'm riding away yeah 我正快馬加鞭 I' m finding my place yeah 遠走天邊 I gotta escape yeah 我將要逃離這可悲的世界 It's what I gotta do 那就是我所要做的一切 See you on the other side 海內存知己,天涯若比鄰 See you on the other side 我會在重巒疊嶂後等你 See you on the other side 我會在駭浪驚濤後等你 We all know 我們的內心對此深信不疑 No I ain't running running running yeah 不,我絕不能逃避! I'm coming coming coming yeah 等著我,我回來了! Knocking all these demons that been tryna run up on me yeah 將企圖加害於我的惡魔踢翻在地 Oh I keep on fighting 我不停地浴血奮戰 They keep coming coming coming yeah 他們也前仆後繼地奔來 I'ma keep keep on fighting till I'm gone 人生自古誰無死?留取丹心照汗青。 I need the glory 了卻君王天下事,贏得生前身後名!