- 白色海岸The White Coast 生命是一場絢爛的浪費 歌詞
- 白色海岸The White Coast
- 製作人: 賴星宏
找到心之所向 Ambitions set 越來越了解自己 Get to know a lot about myself 不想坐以待斃 Don't want to sit around 我聽見了我難以解釋的呼喚 There's a calling I can't explain it 我知道我總是習慣把每天都放置在 And I know it's the day I'm having my way of 不切實際的幻想中 Just living all my fantasy 可是真實的我就是你現在所看到的 Realize don't imagine, I'm what you see 我所經歷的一切磨礪都在我的血管中流淌 The grind is running through my veins
噢,我將不顧一切向前衝刺 Aaaah I'm going all the way out 我還有無數夢想要去實現 And aaah I still got my dreams to reach now 前方荊棘密布 Rough patch ahead 我當憑信仰飛躍此山 I gotta take a leap of faith 曾失魂落魄也曾重獲新生 My spirit has been lost and found 我聽見了我難以解釋的呼喚 There's a calling I can't explain it 我知道我總是習慣把每天都放置在 And I know it's the day I'm having my way of 不切實際的幻想中 Just living all my fantasy 可是真實的我就是你現在所看到的 Realize don't imagine, I'm what you see 我所經歷的一切磨礪都在我的血管中流淌 The grind is running through my veins
噢,我將不顧一切向前衝刺 Aaaah I'm going all the way out 我還有無數夢想要去實現 And aaah I still got my dreams to reach now 噢,我將用盡力氣向前奔跑 Aaaah I'm going all the way out 還有無數夢想等待我去實現 And aaah I still got my dreams to reach now
吉他: 包屹寧 鼓: 王涵 貝斯: 楊睿 封面原作: 張東 音樂廠牌: 玩音唱片 (未經授權不得翻唱或使用)