- 楊和蘇 Pray For You 歌詞
- 楊和蘇
- Bow down to the KeyNG
This song is dedicated to My best friend in the world Hah This song's for you We roll up, with the windows down Turn it up , let me play that song Get drunk in the bar, forget who we are Ain't worry about nothing, Not a thing goes wrong Cuz We roll up, with the windows down Turn it up, let me play that song Get drunk in the bar, forget who we are Ain't worry about nothing, Not a thing goes wrong Yeah 好久不見把話都灌進好酒裡面 靠右沿著路邊走當我路過你家門口的 老友記店彷彿老友出現 我不禁停下看看在它週圍繞走幾圈 再過幾天幾年 賺幾千幾元 好像還有一大把光陰 不用著急見面 但每次和別人的矛盾又照舊出現 才明白了兄弟勝過所有砲友初戀 我該怎麼形容你你的平庸裡 夾雜著偉大的細胞維納斯的記號 我常會心痛你but no homo 不想驚動你因為我周圍同樣是烏煙瘴氣 沒有英雄仗義沒有清新空氣 只有歌手不唱歌在拼臉拼綜藝 說話狗屁不暢通像Ching Chong Ling 所以我選擇把自己沉浸在星空裡
We roll up, with the windows down Turn it up, let me play that song Get drunk in the bar, forget who we are Ain't worry about nothing, Not a thing goes wrong Cuz We roll up, with the windows down Turn it up, let me play that song Get drunk in the bar, forget who we are Ain't worry about nothing, Not a thing goes wrong You know me 小時候我們的願望很簡單 在良木緣點餐連線PSP 玩到一點半也不用面臨畢業季 不用管人際關係在企業裡比業績 每天的時間都砸在健身器械裡 Everybody loves Kobe for the championship 有時跟父母都不及和你弟兄親 因為轉過背來我們都是親兄弟 我沒有小題大做每次我闖下大禍 謊言被罵過就像是拿破崙兵敗滑鐵盧 我總會跑到你家躲在你家借住 就像條流浪的巴吉度 唱著哈利路亞karma息怒吧 彷彿到天堂的距離不過就八里路 沒有哪裡不好每天擠著住 20平米的家裡也像是馬里布 Cuz you know where I've been to And you know what I've been through 你比誰都要清楚 緊繃著笑臉的辛苦 Cuz you know where I've been to And you know what I've been through 你比誰都要清楚 緊繃著笑臉的辛苦 So We roll up, with the windows down Turn it up, let me play that song Get drunk in the bar, forget who we are Ain't worry about nothing, Not a thing goes wrong Cuz We roll up, with the windows down Turn it up, let me play that song Get drunk in the bar, forget who we are Ain't worry about nothing, Not a thing goes wrong yeah