- Alejandro He Forgotten No Longer 歌詞
- Alejandro He
- Verse 1:
18 I got something in my brain to say 年滿十八的我腦中有些話不吐不快 To change the present and take the pain 我想改變這現狀,去接受這痛苦 Pave the way for a better world switch the lane 為更美好的未來鋪路,改變方向 You are blind as fate to claim we ain't talking bout the same 我們一直在說同一件事 Trains of thoughts—they collide and fight inside of our heads 但不同的思想在我們腦海中碰撞 And at the point of collision so many people are dead 在他們碰撞之處又有多少人的徬徨 It feels like nobody gives a **** what the fact is 好像沒有人在乎什麼是真相 Fact is, they tell me just to say no to the masses 真相是:他們只告訴我不要人云亦云
And I don't see a lot of freedom fighters dealing with problems instead preferring be blinded they find it better than learning 然而我看不到太多的人真正去面對問題,比起看清真相,他們更喜歡蒙住自己的雙眼
The burden of proof gone so there's no reason 空口無憑成了主流,理由便沒了去處 They are feeding innocents to prison under what really should be their own sentence 罪名被栽贓給無辜的人,承受牢獄之災
Tired of always being treated as the grey in the middle 如果這不黑不白的身份讓你感到疲憊 You better walk on the street see this ain't no ritual 你最好走上大街看看,這不是什麼儀式 But a habitual racial inequality we live in 而是積年累月的恩怨 Wait — I thought that's not the way God made me though 等等—這不是上帝想讓我成為的樣子
To be the ones do the math, 成為書呆子 To be the ones who do the rap, 成為玩說唱的 To be the ones who spend their lifetime wasted in the working class 成為一輩子爬不上去的 Never be the one who never struggle always taking bubble baths 卻從不能成為那些永不抗爭貪圖享樂的 Not the ones behind the barricades saying all will pass 從不能成為雨過天晴等彩虹的 It will never pass,history’s gon last 這永遠不會過去,歷史將銘記這一切 But **** it why the **** is it so hard to be black 但為什么生活這麼艱難? When the president been spitting shit like twitter has been hacked 社交媒體上如此的浮躁 Who should we believe as prophet that will bring us all back 誰才能是把我們帶回從前的先知呢? To the days when all of the people were just one kind 回到我們身上不帶標籤的日子 Mankind 只是人類的日子
Verse 2: Gun pointed at the wrong victims and the killers are gone 當槍指向錯誤的被害人之時,真正的兇手早已逃之夭夭 You're done if you play with the cops when you Not 只有白色才能 White as snow in the skin to bleach the sin in your gene is 漂白基因裡的原罪 Too generic to bestow you the chance to pin down elegance and intelligence within your culture 基因太過普通, 文化中的底蘊內涵也被唾棄 While a lot of looters and shooters tie up their white collars in 與此同時還有很多強盜劫匪在辦公室裡係緊領帶 Wall Street where it all seem high in power is actually not off the scene from legalizing their robbers 他們金玉其表,實則在做著合法的搶劫 The harder you work the farther you are 你越努力,你離你的夢想就越遙遠 From the dreams that are afar been ripping yourself all apart 你在小小的公寓中難以釋懷 In apartments ain't large enough to fit your ambitions 小小的角落盛不下你遠大的理想 Class distinction are in fact the reason 這便是一切的根源 Tags in pack are being used on our children 我們的孩子身上被貼上無數的標籤 'fore acquainting themselves they all have acquainted the system 在他們認清自己之前早已牢記這標籤 When they step in the world they forget the importance of freedom 當他們走進這世界的時候早已忘記自由是什麼 Of speech of love unrelated to luck 言論與愛,無關運氣 Of thought of happiness not created by drugs 思想與快樂,無關毒品
A blonde clown trynna make America strong 有些人譁眾取寵 on the crown top trumping his equity bonds 站在金字塔塔頂操縱著他的債券賺得盆滿缽滿 Watching some pedephile porn meanwhile pretend to be stumped 卻惶恐不安地說 “My relations with Jeff has never ever been long” 名叫Jeffery的人與我無關 Bullshit in your coup what the ludicrous truth is that People been clueless 'bout your lucrative business 放屁!離譜的是你的支持者一無所知 Sexist and racist propagating your office 我看到的只有偏見和歧視 Ask me to name this 讓我來說 Governmental disgraces 這真是恥辱 Wages ain't even worth a toilet in mansion 工資還不如別墅裡一個廁所值錢 He already abandoned 還是被遺棄的 Taking money from pensions 把養老金偷來 And turn it into a ransom 然後把它變成贖金 On people not yet been chosen 讓大部分人一輩子來贖命 To make him billions and billions 他才能賺的更多 Upon the millions and millions 在他已有的財富之上 His old man unintentionally given him 雖然這財富是從父親那兒得來的 Bread and rent you been share 'em as dividends 維持生計的錢被當成分紅 More than COVID-19 you keep us socially distanced 比新冠肺炎還擅長隔離人群 Your existence in the world never ever be pleasant 你的存在從來都不是件高興的事 We need a real President and your ****ing disappearance 最好趕緊消失