- Gezi DimondsDimonds 歌詞
- Dimond Dimond Dimond
youngBasefour 編曲混音後期:GEZI Shine like the Diamonds Biling And I like the Demon you leave me
哥們一直走從來都不會停止 就像鑽石一般真實請你記住我名字 FKing there stp 不想看到我的影子在你身上重蹈覆轍 你贏了又如何但你考試還沒及格 不斷強調仁義道德熱點出現你就附和 抄襲了我的flow 如果沒有思想行動起來就像行屍走肉 讓我提起筆來徒手清理你們這些污垢GO Shine like the Diamonds Biling And I like the Demon you leave me Nobady want tell me Nobady want tell me I tell that girl I like she But she tell me maybe 折斷夢想把它們都做成紙飛機 我羨慕鑽石閃耀可他們說我沒出息 我工作everyday maybe是個real fake 無論怎麼累得不到肯定還是趕到street 不過做事依舊crazy還是那麼的干脆 Shine like the Diamonds亮瞎眼睛 flow比鑽石來的貴 他們教著做人道理想你做的得體 可他們不明白這世界本來就很dirty 說話富含哲理可他們早已失去本體 你做的一切早已為你的失敗提下伏筆 Girl you know my name (ganggang) Call me youngBasefour (ganggang ) Gezi with my game(ganggang) 像鑽石一樣閃爍(ganggang) You never understand 覺得我們永遠做錯 You dont understand 不想听你在那囉嗦(lalala) Shine like the Diamonds Biling And I like the Demon you leave me Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Look at me 我就像一隻兇猛的tiger Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds 行走在黑夜裡面輕鬆殺掉所有hater Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds 野火燎原般把所有事情都給Fire Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds