- The Bird And The Bee Lovey Dovey 歌詞
- The Bird And The Bee
- Come to me my little dove
來吧,我的小鴿子 I won't let the cat in to play 我不會讓貓咪進來的 I'll keep him out today 我會讓它呆在外面 Come to me my only love 來吧,我的小寶寶 I have something sweeter to say 我想對你說點蜜語 I don't always give it away 我不常對別人說的哦 All through the day the world seems to keep us apart 經過一整天,整個世界彷彿讓我們分開了 And all through day I get such an ache in my heart 我的心感到了痛楚 Then night comes 夜幕降臨 Pulls down the sun 太陽下山了 Hard run 艱苦的旅程呵 Nothing else can be done 什麼都完成不了 Loved one 親愛的 All the rest are forgotten 餘下的都被忘掉了吧 It's just you and me 只剩你和我 Come to me my only love 來吧,我的唯一 Let's close up the house for the night 天黑了,我們把門關上 And keep the rest outside 把不必要的東西趕跑 Come to me my little dove 來吧,我的小鴿子 I fear that the cat snuck inside 我也怕貓咪會偷偷進來 But I know we'll both survive 但我知道我們會平安度過的 All through the day the world seems to keep us apart 經過一整天,整個世界彷彿讓我們分開了 And all through day I get such an ache in my heart 我的心感到了痛楚 Then night comes 夜幕降臨 Pulls down the sun 太陽下山了 Hard run 艱苦的旅程呵 Nothing else can be done 什麼都完成不了 Loved one 親愛的 All the rest are forgotten 餘下的都被忘掉了吧 It's just you and me 只剩你和我