- Hey Ocean! Big Blue Wave 歌詞
- Hey Ocean!
- All we do is mess around,
我們幹得簡直一團糟 But I know that it's love we found 但我知道那隻是在尋找我們共同的愛而已
我知道它會在這里長駐 And I know that it's here to stay. 遠勝於我們的只言片語
不,我並不想大驚小怪或陷入爭鬥 It's more than just a word we say. 我不是一個給忠告的人
但這裡沒什麼可以讓我們擔驚受怕 No, I don't wanna fuss or fight, 寶貝,沒有時間可以浪費啦
歌唱到你聲音沙啞 And I'm not one to give advice, 歌唱吧,因為你無路可退
歌唱至你隨風而去 But there's no need to be afraid. 我們的愛像一個巨大的海浪
如同一個巨大的湛藍波浪 Baby, there's no time to waste. 無需告訴我我們已經走了這麼遠
重新開始亦或分崩離析 Sing until you have no voice. 當你迷失在湛藍大海裡時放聲大唱
愛會把你帶回我身邊 Sing because you have no choice. 歌唱到你聲嘶力竭
歌唱吧,因為你別無選擇 Sing until you float away. 歌唱至你隨波而逝
我們的愛像一個巨大的海浪 Our love is like a big blue wave. 歌唱到你聲音沙啞
只因你無路可退 Is like a big blue wave 歌唱至隨風而去
再唱一遍直往你的家! Don't tell me that we've come this far 歌唱到你聲嘶力竭
只因你別無選擇 To start again or fall apart. 歌唱至隨波而逝
我們的愛像一個巨大的海浪 Sing it when you're lost at sea, 如同一個巨大的湛藍波浪
And love will bring you back to me.
Sing until you have no voice.
Sing because you have no choice.
Sing until you float away.
Our love is like a big blue wave.
Sing until you have no voice.
Sing because you have no choice.
Sing until you float away.
Sing until your home again!
Sing until you have no voice.
Sing because you have no choice.
Sing until you float away.
Our love is like a big blue wave.
Is like a big blue wave.