- Jaymes Young Infinity 歌詞
- Jaymes Young
- Baby this love
親愛的寶貝 I'll never let it die 我不會讓這份愛枯萎 Can't be touched by no one 除了你 I 'd like to see him try 無人可以觸及我的靈魂 I'm a mad man for your touch girl I've lost control 我如墜雲霧猶如脫韁之馬只為得到你的愛撫 I'm gonna make this last forever don't tell me it's impossible 我要將這份愛持續到永遠不要對我說不可能 'Cause I love you for infinity 因為我對你的愛無窮無盡 I love you for infinity 我愛你無窮無盡 'Cause I love you for infinity 因為我愛你無窮無盡 I love you for infinity 我愛你無窮無盡 Oh darling my soul 親愛的我的靈魂 You know it aches for yours 你知道它因你而刺痛 And you've been filling this hole 我們在呱呱墜地之時 Since you were born 便開始填補內心的空白 Oh 'cause you're the reason I'believe in fate 你就是讓我相信命運女神之人 You're my paradise 你就是我的神蹟 And I'll do anything to be your love or be your sacrifice 我甘願傾盡所有付出一切只為成為你的愛人 'Cause I love you for infinity 就像我對你的愛那樣無窮無盡 I love you for infinity 我愛你無窮無盡 'Cause I love you for infinity 因為我愛你無窮無盡 I love you for infinity 我愛你無窮無盡 Meet me at the bottom of the ocean 來海底與我相遇 Where the time is frozen 在那時間凍結之地 Where all the universe is open 在那宇宙璀璨之時 Love isn't random we are chosen 愛本不虛無縹緲只因我們敢於孤擲一注 And we could wear the same crown 讓我們在愛的王國為彼此加冕 Keep slowing your heart down 讓我來安撫你那顆因我而悸動的心 We are the gods now 此時此刻世界都屬於我們 'Cause I love you for infinity 因為我對你的愛無窮無盡 I love you for infinity 我愛你無窮無盡 'Cause I love you for infinity 因為我愛你無窮無盡 I love you for infinity 我對你的愛無窮無盡