- Stephen Marley rock stone 歌詞
- Stephen Marley
滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 我說,滾石是我的枕頭 I say, Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石,是我的枕頭 Rock Stone, was my pillow 聽好這男人說 Hear the man say... 當我無處落腳,滾石是我的枕頭 R-R-Rock stone was my pillow could not find place fi sleep 仍是兩手空空,我們難以覓食果腹 Pot dem empty we haffi find food fi eat 每日因士兵和警察擔驚受怕 Everyday we terrorize by soldier and police 當所有事裝進鼓裡,敲出節奏 When the thing dem a drum and di thing dem a beat 從牛仔,印第安人,酋長手中 From dem a play cowboy, and Indian, and Chief 從第一,到第三,沿著走到第七條街 From the first, to the third, straight up to seven street 消滅混蛋是我們的信條 One thing in a wi mind a fi trample di beast 讓他融入生活,變得溫順 And make it in a life, and inherit as the meek 好過一堆滾石 Better the stone dem deh yah 自我主宰,不被奴役 Self employed, cannot get lay off 我們有做不完的工作 Mount a work mi have 甚至無法休息 Can't even get a day off 有人想阻止我,現在他們發現錯得離譜 Who did waan fi stop mi now dem find out seh dem way off 好吧,我看見一個接著一個,一個接一個 Alright, and mi seh one by one, one by one 腳步不停,走出巴比倫 One by one, wi stepping out a babylon 然後一個接一個,一個接一個 Then one by one, one by one 海爾·塞拉西一世,猶太的雄獅(埃塞俄比亞末代皇帝,稱號猶太的雄獅) Hail King Selassie the conquering lion 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 我說,滾石是我的枕頭 I say, Rock Stone was my pillow Sizzla Kalonji Sizzla Kalonji 滾石,是我的枕頭( Stephen Ragga Marley, 啊哈!) Rock Stone, was my pillow (Stephen Ragga Marley, aha!) 幫幫我們,上帝 Help us Jah 讓我們脫離貧民窟 Take us from the slum 不論發生什麼,永不放棄,讓火焰燃燒下去 Never give up no matter what, strictly fiyah burn 塔法里斯的信徒,帶領我們走出貧民窟 Hail Rasta, take us from the slum 永不放棄,不論何事發生 Never give up matter what 塞拉西國王,我祈禱你再臨 King Selassie I blessing come 困苦變得不再艱難 Sufferation is thing could be no harder time 展開視野,拓寬眼界 Got to widen your views, got to broaden your mind 我們在貧民窟面對什麼,這些別處沒有 What we face in the ghetto, nowhere else can you find 飢餓,貧窮,糟糕的體制 Hunger, Poverty, a system so unkind 老實說,戰亂之後這裡就是 As a matter a fact, there is an after shock 當陰冷之處為床,而岩石做枕頭 When cold ground was my bed and my pillow was a rock 拼命熬過這個體制,可所有門都被關上 Try to make it through the system all the doors were lock 但沒有什麼可以阻擋次次嘗試,所以我永不放棄 Yet nothing beats a try so I ain鈥檛go stop 他們花了大把時間去描述你 Mount a time they write a book on you 他們寫了大堆廢話在你身上 A set amount ah crap they'd ah put on you 然而當你落難,他們看都不看你一眼 Yet when yuh in the dirt they wouldn鈥檛look on you 只會蔑視你,想抹除你的痕跡 They would only scorn and wanna wipe the foot on yuh 但是看好了 But, see yah 打開天堂之門 So open up, Zion door 沒錯,就在非洲的埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia, Africa for sure 解放貧窮,困苦之源 Liberate the poor, the poor, hey 我沒撒謊,相信我就是海爾·塞拉西,我們不想要戰爭 Mi nah lie, true mi hail Selassie I dem wah fi war I 讀好我的聖經,讓社會和平,讚頌塔法裡 Read mi bible turn to peace and praise Tafari 再見巴比倫,再見,再見 Good bye Babylon goodbye, goodbye 打開天國之門 Open up, zion door 聖山,就在埃塞俄比亞 Mount Zion, Ethiopia for sure 以色列的孩子,以色列的孩子 Children of Israel, children of Israel 嘿 Hey! 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 我說,滾石是我的枕頭 I say, Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石,是我的枕頭 Rock Stone, was my pillow 聽好我的話 Hear me now 我是冷靜的聖人,不像你一路失敗 Jah man me cool, nuh stumble like you 走在革命路上,我絕不犯蠢 Walk pon di street, me nuh gwaan for fool 來到舞會,麥克風是我的工具 Arrive at the dance, di mic a mi tool 食物放桌上,我坐在椅子上 Eat pon table, sit inna stool 我的膚色是黑色,我的膚色是棕色 Me black, me brown 雖為棕色但絕不是混球(棕色黑色有文化歧視的意思) Me brown no black 肋骨,胸腔,我的脊柱和背 Ribs and mi chest, mi spine and mi back 等你聽到這段旋律開始 Wait til you hear, when dis riddim drop 從頭到腳,伴著麥里的旋律,你的身體跟著搖動 Head yuh toe, yuh body a rock, from me pon di mic Steve Marley的話,堅定而強烈 Steve Marley ah chat, firm and strong 別受困於命運 Doh step pon the lot 和平的,正直的塔法裡教徒 The peaceful, righteous, Rastaman 懲戒之槍,握於他手中 Rod of correction, inna him hand 向眾生佈道,給予所羅門王財富 Preachin' out to man and woman, give riches to King Solomon 貝斯聲出,飆到最高 Now, bass come out, and treble a top 一衣蔽體,身無分文;身無分文,衣不蔽體 Cap an no buck, an nuh buck a no cap 最美好的歌手,Sugar Minott Sweetest singer, was Sugar Minott 一個男人走進,給我一槍 Man a come in and ah give me a shot 德古拉變成吸血蝙蝠 Dracula turn inna vampire bat 他看見了陽光,但拿不走光明 When him see sun, him cyah take dat 而我們的眼睛是黑色,用以連接光明 Eyes dem dark, fi use contact 我放下麥, 閒聊Raggamuffin I pon the mic, Raggamuffin a chat 致我的恐懼,雖然我從未恐懼 Fi mi head dread, me head it no plat 絕不膽小如鼠,絕不膽小如鼠 Nuh fraid ah no mouse, nuh fraid ah no rat 讚美上帝,我絕不停歇 Pray to Jah, me never will stop 我們熱情並不冰冷,我們冷靜從不狂熱盲從 We hotno cold, wah cold nuh hot 住在房子裡,而不是身似浮萍 Live in a house, no live in a flat 抵達天堂,正義將被高舉 Up inna Zion , di righteious will top 上帝不費吹灰之力,撒旦無處下手 Jah blow breeze, the devil cannot 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石是我的枕頭 Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石是我的枕頭 I say, Rock Stone was my pillow 滾石,是我的枕頭 Rock Stone, was my pillow