- Asaf Avidan The Labyrinth Song 歌詞
- Asaf Avidan
- Evening rises, darkness threatens to engulf us all
夜幕漸起,黑暗揚言吞噬我們 But theres a moon above its shining and I think I hear a call 但月光自上灑下,我似乎聽到一聲呼喚 Its just a whisper through the trees, my ears can hardly make it out 那隻是穿過樹林的一聲低語,我的耳朵幾乎分辨不出 But I can hear it in my heart, vibrating strong as if she shouts 但我的心可以聽清,那似在吶喊的強音 Oh Ariadne, I am coming, I just need to work this maze inside my head Oh Ariadne,我來了,我只要走出我腦中的迷宮 I came here like you asked, I killed the beast, that part of me is dead 我如你所願來到此地,殺了那野獸,那部分我已經死掉 Oh Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my head Oh Ariadne,我只需走出我腦海中的迷宮 If only Id have listened to you when you offered me that thread 如果我那時接受了你要贈予的線團該多好 Everything is quiet and Im not exactly sure 周遭太安靜了,而我並不確定- If it really was your voice I heard or maybe its a door 我聽到的是你的聲音 Thats closing up some heros back, on his track to be a man 還是英雄們成長歸途中正在關閉的一扇門 Can it be that all us heroes have a path but not a plan? 難道我們這些勇士都只是有勇無謀嗎? Oh Ariadne, Im coming, I just need to work this maze inside my mind Oh Ariadne,我來了,我只需走出我腦中的迷宮 I wish I had that string, its so damn dark, I think Im going blind 在這該死的黑暗裡我幾乎什麼也看不見,我多希望能手握那團線 Oh Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my mind Oh Ariadne,我只需走出我腦中的迷宮 For the life of me I dont remember what I came to find 我走過一生都不曾記得要尋找何物 Now tell me princess are you strolling through your sacred grove? 公主,告訴我,你正在神聖的園林中漫步嗎 And is the moon still shining? Youre the only thing Im thinking of 月亮仍在閃耀嗎?我如今心中所想的只有你了 The sword you gave me, it was heavy, I just had to lay it down 你給的劍太過沉重,我不得放下了它 Its funny how defenseless I can feel here when theres nobody around 這里四下無人無需戒備,我卻也因此變得可笑 Oh Ariadne, Im coming, I just need to work this maze inside my heart Oh Ariadne,我只需解開我腦中的迷宮 I was blind, I thought youd bind me, but you offered me a chart 我什麼也看不見,我以為你會牽著我,但你卻給我了一張圖紙 Oh Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my heart Oh Ariadne,我只需解開我腦中的迷宮 If Id known that you could guide me, Id have listened from the start 如果我知道你能引導我,那我一開始就會聽從你 Somewhere up there there midnight strikes, I think I hear the fall 頭頂地面上午夜鐘聲響起,我似乎聽到了 Of little drops of water, magnified against the barren wall 水滴落的聲音,聲音在這空蕩蕩的牆壁間迴響 Its more a feeling than a substance, but theres nobody around 我明白這只是我的感覺並非真的有水,但周遭無人 And when Im in here all alone, its just enough to let me drown 獨身此地的孤寂已經足以使我溺亡 Oh Ariadne, I was coming, but I failed you in this labyrinth of my past Oh Ariadne,我確實來了,但在這座由我過往造就的迷宮裡,我還是辜負了你 Oh Ariadne, let me sing you, and well make each other last Oh Ariadne,讓我歌唱你,這樣我們也算是相依為命了吧 Oh Ariadne, I have failed you in this labyrinth of my past Oh Ariadne,在這座由我過往造就的迷宮裡,我已然讓你失望 Oh Ariadne, let me sing you, and well make each other last Oh Ariadne,讓我歌唱你,我們會一起走下去