- Ravines Lucy 歌詞
- Ravines
- Ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah ...
啊 How would you feel, 你會有何感想 What would you do? 有何作為 Knowing that everyone has lied to you 當你得知所有人都在騙你 Taken it in, 想到你始終對他們深信不疑 You drink up that wine 你一口喝光了這酒 And laugh like you 笑自己之前還覺得 have a really nice time 跟他們共度了美好時光 Lucy has drank, 露茜醉了 Lucy has loved 畢竟她深愛過 She's with the ones 她被那些 that can paint on the miles 狂野招搖的人迷住了眼 And you'll know that in time 你知道某天 You'll be there too, 你也會在那兒 You'll be the one 成為那些人之一 that is toasting the room 在觥籌交錯的場合眉飛色舞 Ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah ... 啊
Now tell me how do you feel? 而今告訴我你有何感想吧 It's been quite a while 你許久都未像我吐露心聲 You know all the hats 你深知人與人之間虛與委蛇 and you're wearing disguise 你也近墨者黑偽裝著自己 It goes around your neck, 可你也為這偽裝所累 she charms me the best 雖然人們都說著你說著'她最吸引我' You come back your head 你還是決定做回自己 and she's really impressed 人們又都說著你說著“她當初是真的令人印象深刻” Tell what did you say, 告訴我你說了些什麼 how did you say 告訴我你是怎麼讓他們心神搖擺的 And I know who you are, 無論如何我了解真正的你是什麼樣的 and you sank down so fast 倘使待在這兒讓你情緒低落 Leaving the noise, 就離開這嘈雜人群 so it's one off the boys 離開這些叫人心碎的男人們吧 But don' t think you're more, 別再妄想你是與眾不同的那一個 they just want you for toys 他們只想要像玩弄玩偶一樣玩弄你 Ah-ah- ah ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah ... 啊 Well she starts getting bored 於是她在心上築起了一道牆 And coming up short 但她總是心軟總是沒法堅定 Wearing the same clothes 一如從前 as bodies before 赤裸裸地讓眾人一眼就看穿 She knocks back a few, 但她的心終於受不住了她要回擊 now she's staring at you 如今她一動不動凝望著你 I can see that the hatred 我可以感覺到 is starting to brew 仇恨在不斷發酵就要爆發 And the jokes have now turns, 眾人卻一轉身又換了新鮮玩意兒去嘲弄 so what have you learned 在這種潮起又潮落的時刻你學到了什麼嗎 I'm happy with this, 我很高興 now the bridges have burned 如今無人再與你往來 You lost all your voice 無人再聆聽你訴說 and I run off to boys 我也不再同男人們打交道 Can you find it in real life, 但你還會在這花花世界找到真愛嗎 I don't wanna be toyed 你還會在這花花世界找到不隨意玩弄你感情的男人嗎
Ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah... 啊 Well what did you say, 告訴我你說了些什麼 how did you say 告訴我你是怎麼讓他們心神搖擺的 And I know who you are, 無論如何我了解真正的你是什麼樣的 and you sank down so fast 倘使待在這兒讓你情緒低落 Leaving the noise, 就離開這嘈雜人群 so it's one off the boys 離開這些叫人心碎的男人們吧 You finally realize 因為你終將意識到 they just want you for toys 他們只想要像玩弄玩偶一樣玩弄你 Tell what did you say, 告訴我你說了些什麼 how did you say 告訴我你是怎麼讓他們心神搖擺的 And I know who you are, 無論如何我了解真正的你是什麼樣的 and you sank down so fast 倘使待在這兒讓你情緒低落 Leaving the noise, 就離開這嘈雜人群 so it's one off the boys 離開這些叫人心碎的男人們吧 You finally realize 因為你終將意識到 they just want you for toys 他們只想要像玩弄玩偶一樣玩弄你