- James Carter Written 歌詞
- James Carter
- Out of the night that covers me透過覆蓋我的夜色
Black as the pit from pole to pole我看見黑暗層層疊疊 I thank whatever gods may be我感謝上天賜予我 For my unconquerable soul不可征服的靈魂 In the fell clutch of circumstance就算被地獄緊緊拽住 I have not winced nor cried aloud我也從未退避哀求 Under the bludgeonings of chance遭受命運的重重打擊 My head is bloody but unbowed我滿頭鮮血,卻頭顱高昂 Beyond this place of wrath and tears在憤怒和悲傷的塵世外 Looms but the Horror of the shade聳立的不過是恐怖的影子 And yet the menace of the years面對未來的威脅 Finds and shall find me unafraid我無所畏懼 It matters not how strait the gate無論命運之門多麼狹窄 How charged with punishments the scroll無論承受怎樣的懲罰 I am the master of my fate我是我命運的主宰 I am the captain of my soul我是我靈魂的統帥 I am the master of my fate我是我命運的主宰 I am the captain of my soul我是我靈魂的統帥