- Jon Bellion Carry Your Throne 歌詞
- Jon Bellion
- Two crowns and a gold cup
權利的致命誘惑榮耀的金冠聖杯 And they're coming for the throne love 他們嫉妒眼紅餓狼般蠢蠢欲動為了帝王御座殘忍廝殺 But if your heart is a dog fight 倘若你內心深處依然抉擇不定混戰不安 Them I'm ready to go to war like 我會為你誓死拼殺血濺沙場 Rough ** * in the courtyard 庭院深處的狂野** 原始野蠻 And your legs are the north star 迷失在你誘人雙腿之中北極星般璀璨 Church bells let me ring them 敲響教堂沉厚的鐘鼓悠長久遠 She look back said 她回眸一笑朱唇輕啟 baby this your kingdom “這就是屬於你的帝國” If you're lost in this darkness 如果你迷失在無垠黑夜中無法掙脫 I'll carry your throne 我會延續你的榮耀 No I won't let it swallow you 絕不會放任它將你吞噬殆盡 They tried to break inside the walls with these lies 那些狂徒用盡謊言挑撥意圖擊垮我們 But I'm pulling up the draw bridge 但我早已關起城門升起吊橋 We rose this love from the dirt now 愛意從灰燼滿地中重生 Set fire to the sky watch it burn down 戰火點燃廣闊天空紛飛墜落 It's a ceremony but the crowd's gone 慶典空餘你我二人滿城孤寂 And you got nothing but my crown on 只剩皇冠垂於眼瞼一無所有 Round two, round three, give me sequels 似曾相識的戰爭輪迴不止 Every time you open the cathedral 教堂之門洞開歷史軌跡交疊 If you're lost in this darkness 如果你迷失在無垠黑夜中無法掙脫 I'll carry your throne 我會延續你的榮耀 No I won't let it swallow you 絕不會放任它將你吞噬殆盡 If you're lost in this darkness 若你在黯黑深淵裡苦苦掙扎 I'll carry your throne 我會接管王座延續無上榮耀 No I won't let it swallow you 永遠不會讓你埋沒沙塵再無希望