- 光田康典 Ever Come to an End 歌詞
- 光田康典
- Shadows of the lowland leading to the cold and darkened days
Without any hope, without a light for long 置身於雲海深處,寒冷與黑暗的日子啊 Will this suffering ever come to an end one day...? 沒有一絲光亮,沒有任何希望 Even so, pride keeps us strong today, glory will be with us 這般痛苦會有結束的一天嗎? Now the time has come to fight and seize the day When will our prayers be heard high up in the sky above? 時至今日,驕傲使我們強大,榮耀與我們同在 Soon fate will show us the place where we belong 把握良機,奮力一搏 Suddenly, a gleam of dawn 祈禱之聲何時能傳達至穹頂之上? Can you feel the power of faith? 不久,命運將指引我們到達歸屬之地 Our native land, here we stand as one Shadows of the lowland leading to the cold and darkened days 黎明之光射穿雲海 Our path... 你能否感受到信仰的力量?