- 宇宙猿-CosmicApes She 歌詞
- 宇宙猿-CosmicApes
- Seven o'clock
七點了 She was still kissing her Valentino 她還在與夢中情人擁吻 Just before she struggles out of the pillow 可已經是時候從枕頭中清醒過來 Write down her dream with sleepy eyes 回到現實趁睡眼惺忪記下昨晚夢境, As always the morning routine 每天早晨的例行梳妝 Doesn 't take her too much time 並沒有花去她太多時間, Through the curtains 透過窗簾 Buildings are shining so bright 摩天大樓閃閃發亮 Dazzling the streets 縱橫交錯 Littered with metal matchbox 與人來人往 The noisy traffic 被鐵皮火柴盒般的車水馬龍點亮 People are busy in repeating the same boring sights 人們急於重複著這早已看厭的畫面 So take it easy 所以放輕鬆 Don't ever panic 別慌張 Hush now darling 噓,親愛的 Don't you weep 不要哭泣 'Cuz monday will be less romantic 因為當你焦躁不安, As you are in middle of manic 週一便不再羅曼蒂克 Don't you worry 無需擔憂 Don't you hurry 不必匆忙 Don't grieve in silence 不要在寂靜中獨自拭淚 And say “it is OK” instead 然後說“這樣就好” Of keeping it to yourself 與其聊以慰藉 Let's just say 不如聽我說 “You can believe in me, my dear.” “你可以相信我,親愛的” Saying good morning 迎接早晨 is always so frustrating 總是如此令人沮喪. But she gotta hold, hold back her tears 可她沒有時間嘆息 'Cuz her bed is still not made 因為被子還沒疊 Browse the wardrobe 掃一眼衣櫃 Grabs a random coat 隨便抓起件外套 Thinking this time she must be late 心想今天遲到在劫難逃 Calls the taxi 致電出租公司 Books a ride, as fast as it could be 預約最快的行程 Guess today she just won't get fully paid 想必工資剋扣在所難免 But there's no one to blame 卻無從抱怨, “Wish I woke up and found it was yesterday” “多希望醒來後發現還在昨天” Feel the pockets 摸摸口袋 Makingsure she has not left her key 別忘帶鑰匙 She began to feel sick before she even leaves 她還沒出門就已心力交瘁 The boss's face, she imagines 想像著老闆的臉 Brings her misery somehow 她多少有些絕望 Life's a struggle there's no doubt “如此苟且度日是圖個啥?” Headphones on 戴上耳機 Embraced by the crowd 被人群擁抱 The droning noises are driving her wild 那人聲嘈雜令她抓狂 And she turns up the volume 於是她打開音量 Maybe even too loud 或許太過吵鬧 But I guess she won't care afterall 但我想她不會介意 So take it easy 所以放輕鬆 Don't ever panic 別慌張 Hush now darling 噓,親愛的 Don't you weep 不要哭泣 'Cuz monday will be less romantic 因為當你焦躁不安, As you are in middle of manic 週一便不再羅曼蒂克 Don't you worry 無需擔憂 Don't you hurry 不必匆忙 Don't grieve in silence 不要在寂靜中獨自拭淚 And say “it is OK” instead 然後說“這樣就好” Of keeping it to yourself 與其聊以慰藉 Here are some little noises 我這裡有些小小的噪音 that you might want to hear 不如來聽聽? 你也許會感興趣: 【版權聲明:未經著作權人書面許可,任何人不得以任何方式使用(包括翻唱、翻錄等)】