- 楚晴Jasmine Sokko 600D 歌詞
- 楚晴Jasmine Sokko
- I am running in lightning speed
我以閃電般的速度狂奔 Like a car on fire burning through the street 像身披烈焰的車在街上穿行 Away from all this empty speech 駛離那些空洞的言語吧 Of the girls on screens so over heat 屏幕上的妹子如此火辣 See I, dont get whats bothering them? 瞧瞧我是不是煞他們風景了? But I, dont care so Im leaving right now 但我不在乎我就要遠走高飛啦 Honestly, I dont care if they didnt like me 老實說我不在意他們喜不喜歡我 Im free and Im feeling so good 我自由自在爽上天 Dont care if they didnt like me 不在意他們對我的看法 Im free and Im feeling so good 無拘無束十分嗨皮 Dont care if they didnt like me 不在乎她們的眼光 Im free and Im feeling so good 我擁有並且樂於使用討好自己的權力 Dont care if they didnt like me 不會違心維護著在他們眼裡的形象 Didnt like them and Im feeling so good 做著自己感覺超爽 Now I guess Im all alone 我想我現在像一匹孤狼 But the dust do rose and the day goes on 一念起萬水千山 We throw our luck against the throne 一念滅滄海桑田 No one cares or dares to talk at all 沒人在意或敢去說話 See I, dont get whats bothering them? 瞧瞧我是不是煞他們風景了? But I, dont care so Im leaving right now 但我不在乎我就要遠走高飛啦 Honestly, I dont care if they didnt like me 老實說我不在意他們喜不喜歡我 Im free and Im feeling so good 我自由自在爽上天 Dont care if they didnt like me 不在意他們對我的看法 Im free and Im feeling so good 無拘無束十分嗨皮 Dont care if they didnt like me 不在乎她們的眼光 Im free and Im feeling so good 我擁有並且樂於使用討好自己的權力 Dont care if they didnt like me 不會違心維護著在他們眼裡的形象 Didnt like them and Im feeling so good 做著自己感覺超爽 Every moment from here 從這兒開始的每時每刻 Ive been thinking about how were talking again 我揣摩著我們之間的潛台詞 But half my mind is losing out for bitter feelings 很矛盾地在痛苦中掙扎 We arent talking again 沉默的寧靜打破了內心的喧鬧 Honestly, I dont care if they didnt like me 老實說我不在乎別人怎麼看我 Im free and Im feeling so good 自由自在感覺爽爆 Dont care if they didnt like me 不在乎他人的看法 Im free and Im feeling so good 無拘無束我猴開心 Dont care if they didnt like me 不在意他人的眼光 Im free and Im feeling so good 灑灑脫脫感覺真棒 Dont care if they didnt like me 我就是我 Didnt like them and Im feeling so good 不一樣的煙火