- Chelsea Collins Vendetta 歌詞
- Chelsea Collins
一筆鮮紅劃過你的名字 Scarlet letter on your name 我知道我贏的並不光鮮 I know I should be ashamed 可我必須勝你一籌 But i gotta one up you baby 何況不只我一人行踪鬼祟 Aint the only one acting shady 你從來不吸取經驗教訓 Never learn from your mistakes 只在乎自己的漂亮臉蛋 Blinded by your pretty face 可惜比起注意自己的對手 Its a shame you dont pay attention 你更願意沉浸在自己的倒影中 You would rather be lost in your reflection 察覺不到 Got no detection 我的動機 Of my direction 你的祝福正化為過眼雲煙 Your blessings are on their way out 即使近只咫尺,你仍看不穿我的偽裝 I may be next to you but you dont know Im undercover 你已失無所失 Theres nothing left to lose 我只是來欣賞你的苦難 Im only here to see you suffer 看著你在不斷的自我否認中 Keep on thinking youre entitled 緊握著自己僅剩的權利 When youre stuck in your own denial babe 這場屬於我們兩人的遊戲 Were in this game for two 是我棋高一著呀,我的宿仇 I play it better my vendetta 天真的認為我不過在股掌之間 Think Im under your command 其實我早就佔盡上風 But I won the upper hand 我默默等待那完美的謝幕時刻 Ive been waiting for the perfect moment 準備賜予你穿心一擊 Yeah Im gonna rip your heart right open 我會把木偶的提線剪斷 Ill cut off the puppet strings 悄悄地把它們纏繞在你身邊 Wrap them round you silently 幸好我明察秋毫 Its a good thing that I paid attention 因為你更願意迷失在虛影之中 Cuz you would rather be lost in your reflection 察覺不到 Got no detection 我的用心 Of my direction 你的禱告顯得蒼白無力 Your blessings are on their way out 即使近只咫尺,你仍看不穿我的偽裝 I may be next to you but you dont know Im undercover 你已失無可失 There's nothing left to lose 我只是來欣賞你的苦難 Im only here to see you suffer 看著你在不斷的自我否認中 Keep on thinking youre entitled 緊握著自己最後的權利 When youre stuck in your own denial babe 這場屬於我們兩人的遊戲 Were in this game for two 是我棋高一著呀,我的宿仇 I play it better my vendetta 若我是你,我會睜著一隻眼入睡 If I were you Id sleep with one eye open 若我是你,我必定是神經緊繃 If I were you Id sleep with one eye open 若我是你,我不會奢望一夜安眠 If I were you Id sleep with one eye open 說出你最後的禱告吧,這就是你選擇的道路 So say your prayer this is the path youve chosen 你我已比肩而立,可你對我視而不見 I may be next to you but you dont know Im undercover 你僅剩一具空殼 Theres nothing left to lose 我只來見證你的毀滅 Im only here to see you suffer 望著那希望的微光 Keep on thinking youre entitled 被一次次的否定撲滅 When youre stuck in your own denial babe 這場宿敵之戰 Were in this game for two 是我摘下了勝利之果 I play it better my vendetta 你我僅一拳之距,但你眼中盡是無知 I may be next to you but you dont know Im undercover 你已一無所有 Theres nothing left to lose 我只是來品嚐你的苦痛 Im only here to see you suffer 品味你在持續的自我剝奪中 Keep on thinking youre entitled 給予自己的最後一絲安慰 When youre stuck in your own denial babe 這場仇殺大戲 Were in this game for two 是我笑到了最後 I play it better my vendetta