- Mokid Rana 一千 歌詞
- 梨子 Mokid Rana
- 錄音/混音/母帶:張浩轅
錄音室/混音室:“鬼樂”Studio Beat:wherever there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you 不止有一面的酷we in da mirror is true there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you i know你從來都不會有厭倦我陪你去趕過的路 一千個我和你 是我們的秘密 多重性格在心裡製造不同驚喜 情話多說一句 怎麼都聽不膩 戀愛就像在玩一場遊戲 最在意的人是你 為你著迷每一天 零距離抱在一起 想和你走到終點 到了冬天 同一個屋簷冬眠 依偎在你的胸前 是你的溫柔把我攻陷 there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you 不止有一面的酷we in da mirror is true there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you i know你從來都不會有厭倦我陪你去趕過的路 there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you 不止有一面的酷we in da mirror is true there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you i know你從來都不會有厭倦我陪你去趕過的路 中二amo:突如其來出乎意外你佈置了人海戰術ye 需要反复需要確認本體每個你將我挽住 一千句情話肯定嫌吵 當眼淚傾灑你左右眼角 也許你有聽我走心的說我是影分身屆的元老 黑化amo:你問我最中意哪一種girls type 我是rapper只帶你worldwild 你又怪我對粉絲不夠壞就在showtime 讓你萬人嫉妒就像是snowwhite 是偶爾拿起麥克風的作家 提筆寫帶著風的落花 紋身和詩人相處不融洽有了少兒不宜的童話容下 教徒amo:輪迴的因與果 在人類的心理躲著沉睡的冰與火 you had thousand yet 但喚醒你超準確 鏡面反射出你嘴角一千個你一千種美好 作家amo:有個我just a soldier 硝煙裡凝望著你愛的潮汐 另一個我是路過岸邊的joker 嘲笑上一個犯傻的逃兵 幫你擺脫低溫不需要服用違禁 一千個你得一千個醫生 but i can do it all 不用誰信 there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you 不止有一面的酷we in da mirror is true there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you i know你從來都不會有厭倦我陪你去趕過的路 there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you 不止有一面的酷we in da mirror is true there's a thousands of me there's a thousands of you i know你從來都不會有厭倦我陪你去趕過的路 一千個我遇見一千個你 一千個我愛上一千個你 一千個我還有一千個你 一千個我還有一千個你