- B.O. Christmas song 歌詞
- B.O.
- 作詞:B.O.
叮叮噹將我經歷收喺房 叮叮噹it's time to moving moving on It's time to moving moving on 叮叮噹將我經歷收喺房 叮叮噹it's time to moving moving on It's time to moving moving on
又到聖誕俾個藉口約埋班friend出去玩 細個由朝飲到晚而家只想三五知己約埋嘆 暫時放低重擔享受哩一餐 過埋哩一餐大家各自回歸忙碌嘅生活 所以今晚順便慶祝我哋嘅膞頭比上年更闊 大家都要好好生活What's good? we good enjoy the food and drink Drink drink 杯杯都要清 鬥快見到杯底先至夠盡興杯莫停 今朝有酒今朝醉留返聽朝先至清醒 飲到日出再去睇風景 一切照舊過埋今晚一切照舊咁樣過 傳統要有我哋以前都係咁樣過 跌低過爬起過失落過 至少我哋唔係從頭嚟過
細個最期待嘅boxing day 而家打開個box入面得返琴晚嘅pay 走入浴室洗刷我滿身嘅菸酒氣 坐低對一對日期又到月尾找咗卡數未 如果有聖誕老人想話聲你知我願望一早準備好 只係遲遲未實行哈 想將願望變成真想要點石變成金 想睇真嘅聖誕老人現真身 唔再需要人扮或者根本唔再需要扮 可能我仲需要但我早就知道係人扮 三百六十五日生活已經難 留返一日滿足幻想好似細個咁樣玩 拼搏足一年終於去到年尾 走過風風雨雨依然好似冇乜見地 冇再貪啲咩驚喜唯一希望我繼續系我你繼續係你
叮叮噹將我經歷收喺房 叮叮噹it's time to moving moving on It's time to moving moving on 叮叮噹將我經歷收喺房 叮叮噹it's time to moving moving on It's time to moving moving on 叮叮噹將我經歷收喺房 叮叮噹it's time to moving moving on It's time to moving moving on 叮叮噹將我經歷收喺房 叮叮噹it's time to moving moving on It's time to move on