- Eminem Deja Vu 歌詞
- Eminem
底特律醫療中心,我們發現一位昏迷的35歲男性 DMC, we have a mid-thirties male found down, unresponsive 濫用藥物,成分不明 Possible overdose, substance unknown 脈搏微弱,呼吸8次/分鐘 Pulse is 60 and thready, respiration's eight 已經戴上呼吸機 He's intubated and we're bagging him now 血壓急劇下降 BP 90 over palp 病患溫度下降,皮膚濕冷 Patient is cool, pale, and diaphoretic 嘔吐物卡住氣管,昏迷指數三級【此處應為GCS,三級為嚴重】 Has aspirated, GSC is 3 十分鐘後到醫院 We'll update en route ETA ten minutes 當我進入一個狂亂的狀態 As I fall deeper into a manic state 我陷入酒精和毒癮無法自拔 I'm a prime candidate for the gene to receive the drug addict trait 血壓急速飆高 Blood pressure climbs at a dramatic rate 不由自主地拿起奈奎爾吞了下去 I seem to gravitate to the bottle of NyQuil then I salivate 一開始我只是想嚐一口 Start off with the NyQuil like, I think I'll just have a taste 喝了幾口以後,我開始漸漸覺得藥效不夠 Couple of sips of that then I gradually graduate 我覺得地西泮安定劑會夠勁 To a harder prescription drug called Valium like, yeah that's great 我本只打算吃一顆,最後吞了八顆 I go to just take one, and I end up like having eight 現在我覺得餓了,我還沒有吃飯【嗑藥容易餓】 Now I need something in my stomach cause I haven't ate 不如吃點墨西哥玉米片,再來份牛排吧 Maybe I'll grab a plate of nachos and I'll have a steak 我從沒擔心過毒癮會毀掉我的生活 And you'd think that with all I have at stake 我看了看女兒 Look at my daughter's face '媽媽,爸爸又開始不對勁了' 'Mommy, something is wrong with Dad I think '他又開始舉止異常,他嚇到我了' He's acting weird again, he's really beginning to scare me '又不刮鬍子,還假裝聽不見我的話' Won't shave his beard again and he pretends he doesn't hear me '整天吃著零食' And all he does is eat Doritos and Cheetos '他剛剛又吃了三跟巧克力棒' And he just fell asleep in his car '然後在車裡睡著了' eating 3 Musketeers in the rear seat ' 有時候我覺得我好孤單,我也不知道為何 Sometimes I feel so alone, I just don't know 感覺自己曾經走過這條路 Feels like I been down this road before 寂寞又淒涼,感覺有什麼佔據了我的身體 So lonely and cold, it's like something takes over me 尤其當我離開聚光燈回到家,關上房門 As soon as I go home and close the door 感覺好似似曾相識 Kinda feels like déjà vu 我只想快點逃離這種生活 I wanna get away from this place, I do 但是我做不到,即使我嘗試了 But I can't and I won't 我也不會離開,這不過是個謊言 Say I try, but I know that's a lie 為什麼?我也不知道 Cause I don't, and why I just don't know '那就喝點冰啤酒吧' 'Maybe just a nice cold brew, what's a beer?' 我已經戒酒一年了,但有個惡魔在我耳邊竊竊私語 That's the devil in my ear I've been sober a fuckin' year 他還在糾纏慫恿著我,他的聲音在我腦子裡縈繞 And that fucker still talks to me he's all I can fuckin' hear 'Marshall,我們一起來看節目吧' 'Marshall, come on we'll watch the game '正在播你最喜歡的《牛仔和海盜》噢' It's the Cowboys and Buccaneers' 如果我只喝半杯,那我也能清醒一半 And maybe if I just drink half I'll be half-buzzed 這點酒馬上就能醒 For half of the time 不過就是條虛擬的界限 Who's the mastermind behind that little line? 所以我喝了一半,開始有點神誌不清 With that kind of rationale, man I got half a mind 把剩下的也喝了吧 To have another half a glass of wine 聽起來很愚蠢,沒錯,我知道 Sounds asinine, yeah I know, 但是我的酒量從來都沒有問題 But I never had no problem with alcohol 奧,小心牆 Ouch, look out for the wall 我朝著沙發走去,準備躺在上面 Aim for the couch, I'm 'bout to fall 結果像顆皮球,跌跌撞撞絆倒在了路上 I missed the couch and down I go lookin' like a bouncyball 該死,我又喝多了,我連地面都感覺不到了 Shit musta knocked me out 'Cause I ain't feel the ground at all 昨晚發生了什麼?我現在在哪裡? Wow, what the fuck happened last night? Where am I? 該死,我又宿醉了嗎 Man, fuck am I hungover, and goddamn I 頭好痛,再來半顆維柯丁吧,為什麼不呢 Got a headache, shit half a Vicodin, why can't I 我們準備起飛了,其他的請讓一讓 All systems ready for take off, please stand by 有時候我覺得我好孤單,我也不知道為何 Sometimes I feel so alone, I just don't know 感覺自己曾經走過這條路 Feels like I been down this road before 寂寞又淒涼,感覺有什麼佔據了我的身體 So lonely and cold, it's like something takes over me 尤其當我離開聚光燈回到家,關上房門 As soon as I go home and close the door 感覺好似似曾相識 Kinda feels like déjà vu 我只想快點逃離這種生活 I wanna get away from this place, I do 但是我做不到,即使我嘗試了 But I can't and I won't 我也不會離開,這不過是個謊言 Say I try, but I know that's a lie 為什麼?我也不知道 Cause I don't, and why I just don't know 結果我吃了一整顆維柯丁,我的胃頓覺一整舒爽 So I take a Vicodin, splash it hits my stomach then, ahhhh 幾個禮拜之後,我開始覺得我已經感覺不到爽了 Couple of weeks go by it ain't even like I'm gettin' high 現在只能夠我感覺舒服一點,湊合著用 Now I need it just not to feel sick, yeah I'm gettin' by 要是Proof沒有死,我也不會無止境地嗑藥 Wouldn't even be taking this shit if DeShaun didn't die 對,沒錯,你不過是把Proof的死作為藉口 Oh yeah, there's an excuse, you lose Proof so you use 只要你覺得能說服自己,你就覺得沒問題 There's new rules, it's cool if it's helpin' you to get through 現在是正午12點,不妨睡個午覺吧 It's twelve noon, ain't no harm in self inducin' a snooze 又不是什麼新鮮事,貓王不也是這麼做的【貓王成名後也嗑藥成性】 What else is new, fuck it what would Elvis do in your shoes 現在三個月過去了,我又毒癮復發 Now here I am three months later, full-blown relapse 在孩子們回來前磕個藥吧 Just get high until the kids get home from school, holmes Relax 既然我堅信我自己有失眠症【阿姆濫用藥物導致自己失眠,需要用安眠藥睡覺】 And since I'm convinced that I'm an insomniac 我需要這些藥來入睡,所以我又小睡了三次 I need these pills to be able to sleep, so I take three naps 這樣才能熬過漫長的一天 Just to be able to function throughout the day, let's see 每次一片安眠藥,一天總共,三片 That's an Ambien each nap, how many Valium, three 我才可以安穩地睡上一個小時 And that will average out to about one good hour's sleep 現在你知道了,為什麼 Ok, so now ya see, the reason how come he 他要花四年才能做出一張專輯 Has taken four years to just put out an album, B 我差點跟Heath Ledger一樣死於嗑藥 See, me and you, we almost had the same outcome Heath 你們還記得那年聖誕節,我得肺炎被送去搶救嗎【當時媒體報導阿姆送去搶救室是因為肺炎】 'Cause that Christmas you know the whole pneumonia thing? 胡扯,你難道真的以為不是因為嗑藥嗎 It was bologna, was it the methadone, ya think? 還有你藏起來的鎮咳藥和安眠藥 Or the hydrocodone you hide inside your pornos 還有你藏的黃片 Your VCR tape cases, with your Ambien CR 都藏得天衣無縫吧? Great places to hide 'em, ain't it? 所以你安心地Hailie撒謊 So you can lie to Hailie 再見Whitney,再見Alaina I'm goin' beddy bye, Whitney baby 我要去睡覺啦 Good night Alaina! 走進臥室,關上房門 Go in the room and shut the bedroom door 醒來發現我躺在救護車裡 And wake up in an ambulance 他們說在浴室地板上發現了暈過去的我 They said they found me on the bathroom floor 該死 Damn 有時候我覺得我好孤單,我也不知道為何 Sometimes I feel so alone, I just don't know 感覺自己曾經走過這條路 Feels like I been down this road before 寂寞又淒涼,感覺有什麼佔據了我的身體 So lonely and cold, it's like something takes over me 尤其當我離開聚光燈回到家,關上房門 As soon as I go home and close the door 感覺好似似曾相識 Kinda feels like déjà vu 我只想快點逃離這種生活 I wanna get away from this place, I do 但是我做不到,即使我嘗試了 But I can't and I won't 我也不會離開,這不過是個謊言 Say I try, but I know that's a lie 為什麼?我也不知道 Cause I don't, and why I just don't know Elamivl Elamivl