- Andy Grammer The Pocket 歌詞
- Andy Grammer
- Do you want to be my love, my sight, my heart, and my eyes
你是否願意做我的摯愛我的美景我的心我的眼睛 My world, my pride, my stars in my skies 我的全世界我的驕傲我夜空中最亮的星 I am looking for a queen whos more than gorgeous on a movie screen 我正在尋找一個比電影裡的女王還要迷人的姑娘 I am looking for the covergirl of dignified beauty magazine 我正在尋找一位舉止得體的雜誌封面女郎式的美女
我沉醉於她那簡簡單單標誌性微笑的酒窩 I want dimples, and simple symbols that shes sweet 翹起她的鼻子我有些情不自禁 Wrinkles her nose, expose what I mean 我在尋找打破常規的四餐 I am looking for a four-course meal that isnt based in base desire 我在尋找一位淑女她明白靈魂不只是一道開胃的小菜 I am looking for a lady that knows the soul is more than an appetizer 大錯特錯僅僅如此麼 Wrong, just one more thing 哦僅僅如此麼 Oh, just one more thing 我們就注定要苟泥於此麼我們注定要做井底之蛙麼 Do we fit in the pocket, can we fit sit back in the pocket 當夢想之鼓敲響之時 When the dreams and the drums start rocking 讓我們僵硬的關節跳動起來動起來~ Can we dance with our knees not knocking, knocking 知道麼我希望對一位女生傾盡愛慕 See I, I want a lady I can put stock in 我希望加入貝斯和強節奏 I want a bass and backbeat to lock in 我希望經歷難以忘懷的真愛 I want to know real loves not forgotten 我想要一個知無不言的老師
個性分明會毫不吝嗇的給予讚美 I want a teacher whos eager to speak her mind 我在尋找一個永久的標記分享我們的記憶 Delicate features , sweet with her tongue so kind 我在尋找志存的愛情是否依然活力依舊 I am looking for the markers that say 'permanent' so we can share 我只希望信仰依舊堅定不移...不移... I am looking for a love thats still alive and well in rocking chairs 你是多麼迷人啊我的思想隨你而動靈魂因此昇華 I wantfaithful, and stable, able 我在尋找一絲閃動的希望能為之奮戰 Beauty that moves me, improves my soul 我在尋找一位淑女她讓我融入她的一切 I am looking for a shining light that likes to fight and persevere 哦僅僅如此而已 I am looking for a lady that wants to make me part of her atmosphere 哦不過如此而已 And oh, just one more thing 我們注定苟泥於此麼注定做井底之蛙麼 Oh, just one more thing 當夢想之鼓敲響之時
我們會放開僵硬的膝蓋起舞麼起舞~ Do we fit in the pocket, can we fit sit back in the pocket 知道麼我想對一個女生傾盡愛慕 When the dreams and the drums start rocking 我想加入貝斯和快節奏的情調 Can we dance with our knees not knocking, knocking 我想經歷難以忘懷的真愛 See I, I want a lady I can put stock in 我只想明白x3 I want a bass and backbeat to lock in 你真的了解自己麼 I want to know real loves not forgotten 你還愛麼?
當整個世界陷入了困境 All I need to know is x3 我們超越它們超越一切~
在這一隅之地 Are you clear on who you are 我們可以在這一隅之地運籌帷幄麼 Do you love it? 當夢想之鼓敲響之時 When this world starts getting hard 讓我們僵硬的膝蓋跳動起來動起來~ We rise above it, rise above it 知道麼我想對一位女生傾盡愛慕之情 In the pocket 一定要像貝斯強節奏那樣的情調 Can we fix it back in the pocket 我想了解難以忘懷的真愛到底是怎樣的 When the dreams and the drums start rocking 在這一隅之地感嘆 Can we dance with our knees not knocking, knocking 我們注定要苟泥於此麼 See I, I want a lady I can put stock in 當夢想之鼓敲響之時 I want a base and backbeat to lock in 請舞動已僵硬的膝蓋 I want to know real loves not forgotten 知道麼我希望對一位女生傾盡愛慕之情 I said the pocket 像貝斯那樣激烈節奏的愛情 Can we fit sit back in the pocket 我想經歷一次難以忘懷的真愛 When the dreams and the drums startrocking Can we dance with our knees not knocking, knocking See I, I want a lady I can put stock in I want a base and backbeat to lock in I want to know real loves not forgotten