- Trivium the sin and the sentence 歌詞
- Trivium
- I heard the passing bells calling out my name
我知道我再也見不到新的一天了 I knew Id never see another day 我不能逆著責備的潮流游動
我知道我毫無選擇 I couldnt swim against the tides of blame 你最好用功練習你的方法
練習一下你自己的言語 I knew there was no other way 我確信這個真正的怪物在撒謊
在光明與陰暗之間 You better practice your lines 你說什麼或感受什麼都無關重要 You better practice your words 當誠實的人病狂喪心 I know that real monsters lie 他們會屈服於謊言 Between the light and the shade 罪惡滔天,楚毒備至 It doesnt matter what you say or feel 在熊熊火焰中懊悔莫及
訛言謊語 When honest men become deranged 罪惡昭彰,判不可搖 Theyll genuflect to a lie 火焰控制住你的喉嚨 The sin and the sentence 罪大惡極,公開宣判 Penance in the fire 在熊熊烈火中痛悔前非 To a lie 謾辭嘩說 The sin and the sentence 罪惡如山,判不可搖 The flames grip your throat 烈火控制你的喉嚨 The sin and the sentence 我看到了匕首的眼睛回頭凝視著我 Penance in the fire 我知道我從來沒有機會懇求 To a lie 罪惡,卻在墮落的人眼中 The sin and the sentence 他們在你講話前就把你處理妥當了 The flames grip your throat 相當於處置判刑 I saw the dagger eyes staring back at me 你最好練習你的說謊方法
練習一下你的言語方式 I knew Id never have a chance to plead 我知道這些真正怪物的謊言
在光明與陰暗之間 Guilty but in the sight of fallen men 你說什麼或感受什麼都沒有關係
當誠實的人肆言如狂 They bury you before you speak 他們會屈服於謊語 And the sentence 罪盈惡滿,公平判決 You better practice your lies 在熊熊烈焰上遺恨終天 You better practice your words 口無遮攔 I know that real monsters lie 彌天大罪, 罪不可赦 Between the light and the shade 火焰控制著你的喉嚨 It doesnt matter what you say or feel 惡盈釁滿,正義宣判
在熊熊火堆上懺悔不及 When honest men become deranged 信口雌黃 Theyll genuflect to a lie 禍稔惡積,神聖判決 The sin and the sentence 烈火控制住你的喉嚨 Penance in the fire 當心那些不為人知的語言的人 To a lie 因為他們可以呼喚你的名字 The sin and the sentence 然而你譴責我 The flames grip your throat 因為你對我僅是一知半解 The sin and the sentence 你譴責我 Penance in the fire 因為你對我僅是囫圇吞棗 To a lie 他們會屈服於一個謊言 The sin and the sentence 苦海無邊,回頭是岸 The flames grip your throat 在熊熊火焰上悔過自懺 Beware those who speak in tongues 信口開河 For they may call your name 十惡不赦,不可饒恕
火焰控制你的喉嚨 You condemn me 彌天之罪,千刀萬剮
在熊熊烈焰上悔之莫及 Cause you dont understand me 謊話連篇
血債累累,罪該萬死 You condemn me 烈火控制你的喉嚨
提防那些不為人知的語言的人 Cause you dont understand me 因為他們可以呼喚你的名字
然而你譴責我 Theyll genuflect to a lie 因為你對我只是浮光掠影 The sin and the sentence 你譴責我 Penance in the fire 因為你對我只是甕天之見 To a lie 你譴責我 The sin and the sentence 因為你對我只是素昧平生 The flames grip your throat 你譴責我 The sin and the sentence 因為你對我只是雲裡霧裡 Penance in the fire 該死的 To a lie 天不蓋,地不載 The sin and the sentence 烈焰掌控你的喉嚨 The flames grip your throat 罪惡通天,罪應萬死 Beware those who speak in tongues 火焰掌管你的喉嚨 For they may call your name
You condemn me
Cause you dont understand me
You condemn me
Cause you dont understand me
You condemn me
Cause you dont understand me
You condemn me
Cause you dont understand me
****<比如><比如>the sin and the sentence<比如><比如>penance int和fire<比如><比如>the sin and the sentence<比如><比如>the flames grip有人throat<比如>