- Smoky Mountain Memories 歌詞 David Archuleta
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- David Archuleta Smoky Mountain Memories 歌詞
- David Archuleta
- You ought to go north somebody told us
在那片富饒之地,隻手摘金 Cause the air is filled with gold dust 財富如漫天飄絮伸手可及
如今我早已忘卻誰言 And fortune falls like snow flakes in your hands 入不敷出的生活已太過漫長
遂終啟程尋找那片夢想之地 Now I dont recall who said it 那些淳朴忠厚的煙山村民
心存對來日希冀除此別無他求 But wed lived so long on credit 正當怀揣希望駛向心中那片瓊樓玉宇
現實卻將夢想震得支離破碎 So we headed out to find our promised land 是啊,哪有什麼完美之地
艱苦罹難的刺痛讓你清醒,不過又是一個可憐人罷了 Just poor Smoky Mountains farm folk 朔風砭骨的北方沉寂長夜啊
我那顆想歸鄉的心也開始焦倦不安 With nothing more than high hopes 思忖那些失落的村民們是如何折返歸鄉的
但我深知他們喜愛我 As we hitched our station wagon to a star 心念於我
濃濃的煙山回憶使我堅韌 But our dreams all fell in on us 你知道我想了太多太多
未來幾許以後又是什麼在等待我 Cause there was no land of promise 生活的沉重需要我付諸一切,苦苦掙扎
若選擇低頭屈服便會就此沉淪 Though its a stuggle keepin sight of who you are 生活好似巨大的磨坊而我於其磨礪
我只還慶幸自己用雙手創造了一切 Oh and these northern nights are dreary 朔風砭骨的北方沉寂長夜啊
歸鄉的淚眼也早已婆娑 And my southern heart is weary 思忖那些失落的村民們是如何折返歸鄉的 As I wonder how the old folks are back home 但我會繼續虔誠祈禱上帝
他會關懷指引我前進 But I know that they all love me 揮散不去的煙山回憶使我堅韌
我將繼續追尋神父 And theyre all the thinking of me 掙扎遠離無邊苦海
不曾遠去的煙山回憶使我百折不撓 The Smoky Mountains memories keep me strong
You know Ive been thinkin a whole lot lately
About whats been and what awaits me
It takes all Ive got to give what life demands
You go insane if you give in to it
Lifes a mill and Ive been through it Im just thankful Im creative with my hands
Oh and these northern nights theyre dreary And my southern eyes are teary
As I wonder how the old folks are back home
But Ill keep leanin on my Jesus Hell love and guide and lead us The Smoky Mountains memories keep me strong Ill keep looking to the father
Keep our heads above the water The Smoky Mountains memories keep me strong