- CG Don他是top 歌詞
- CG
- 不停的播放跟著我節奏
血液裡全部都播放著音樂 別試圖換掉我的歌 我說了他們的名字叫做心血 憑我的實力告訴你牛逼這兩字怎麼拼寫 用我的說唱為你打開新界 台上的燥熱不用去理會那些井底之蛙的視野 別停下腳步努力投入沒學會走路怎麼去跑步 我一路嘶吼從沒有想過有天會跑路 hip hop is my life 我壓下所有賭注 不死在台上我可能不會服輸 都說了音樂是我的生命 沒有了伴奏大腦裡面可能會生病 我生來燥熱受不了空氣太安靜 every day boom bap讓你們相信 don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don' t stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone 從無人問津到台下的觀眾都看著我 曾經也祈求過上帝讓輿論放過我 大多數粉絲也忘了我別忘了當年誰放了火 放著說到底都犯了錯 別人沒說的不敢說的最終是自己背了鍋 他們的臉都黑著學名叫hater 追著不斷的打壓我的思緒討厭的標籤飛著我還得背著 嘻哈亂報爆爆爆爆亂報導 都喜歡亂說就把你拿來開刀 好狗不擋道陰險招式我見招就拆招 現在你還不趕快跑掉 every rapper say don' t stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone don't stop the beat don't stop the microphone