- 六一船長 早兒好啊兒諸位(Vocab) 歌詞
- 六一船長
- yo this is your captain 61
I got the 마이크로폰check 마이크로폰check follow me back to the game I got the 마이크로폰check 마이크로폰check tellem captain in the game here u are let me make all the body listen to the Chinese rap 讓我用北方的flow 給你聽聽bomber帥 做個逆行潮流的歌手 back to 黃金年代 跳出trap 什麼都能做才能標榜成熟一代 踢踏著拖鞋踩著beat 你和我一起 forget the price back to the golden city 到這裡全部都是free 즉흥rap yihi 거북이만날싫어해 heyyo u know what I mean 랩히heros why u All doing the same thing 모두는 migos hiphop is not to teach u to do bad things hiphop is What is in your mind, what you see hippop and me we get crush From some afternoon three years ago hiphop and me 到現在沒離開 我也不單想做rhythm&blue oh lilboy Look at u put on the 肥大的褲子藏著手 oh liliboy let them go 堅守自己的審美就是潮流 I got the 마이크로폰 This is a work I spent 3 hours on Freestyle. Just go back to the original state. u know what I say. (lets start It with the music instrument) (its the subject for today) (m~u~s~i~c) 早兒好兒啊諸位