- Envelopes of Yesterday 歌詞 Peter Sinfield
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- Peter Sinfield Envelopes of Yesterday 歌詞
- Peter Sinfield
- I feel like a rusty key I don't fit any door
我如一把生鏽的鑰匙,打不開任何門扉 You stole my cloudy castles but you didn't say what for 你偷走我的雲中城堡,不留下任何原因 You said I didn't have the eyes to paint out in the street 你說我沒眼力在街頭作畫 Without a standard martyr's hat and neon sloganned feet 頭不帶殉道士禮帽,腳不穿霓虹燈標語 To eat, it seems, I needed you, for crumbs your need was me 飽餐一頓吧,我不過為麵包渣歸順你,你卻視我為珍寶 We cheered and passed the sanguine flask till the iceman made me see 我們傳盃輪飲血紅色美酒,直到冰雪人讓我明白 At five o' clock you could never wash your printer's stain away 五點時分,你永遠洗不淨打印機上的污點 So I count you lost and your words I've tossed 我想你已落敗,你的文字我棄如敝屣 In the bleary(weary) envelopes of yesterday... 扔在模糊遠去的舊日信封裡……
我如一隻狂舞的風箏,繩子無人牽引 I feel like a tumbling kite there's no hand on my reel 我跳上你明亮的星船,卻見無人駕駛 I dived aboard your star-bright ship to find you'd left the wheel 你離開我們,去尋找那些用船票做賭注的新乘員 To hunt some upstart passengers who had gambled with their fare 你到處宣傳星船有空缺席位,笑著乘飛機走了 Then trumpeted the hull with holes and laughing gone by air 剩下留在船上的我們,偷偷和船員們喝白蘭地 Whilst most of us who stayed aboard slipped brandy to the crew 乘務長約翰鎖上鐵盒子,朝隊伍指指點點 John Purser locked his iron box and pointed at the queue 計算著時間的代價,我們不再樂意附和 Still working out the price of time no echoes will we lay 因此所以我燒了錢櫃,扔了鈔票 So I've burnt the till and I've thrown the bills 散落在疲憊不堪的舊日信封裡...... In the weary(weary) envelopes of yesterday... 我要吮吸時間的乳房,將乳汁凝結在筆墨中
耍弄盛滿夢想的祭器,頂著邊緣保持平衡 I need to suck the breasts of time and freeze her milk in ink 別怪我的煙霧和蒸汽遮蔽了你車轍斑斑的小路 To juggle cruets full of dreams and balance on the brink 我只想嚇唬你,而決不擁護你 Don't blame me if my smoke and steam obscured your rutted track 未燒製的陶罐子不堪負荷,騎著它 I only meant to startle you not offer you my back 你可以找到你的佈道台旅行指南 To ride upon and overload with your jars of unbaked clay 擺放在模糊遠去的舊日信封裡…… You can find your guide to the pulpit ride 我神魂顛倒,空洞如鬼城,眼前滿是魅影 In the dreary (weary) envelopes of yesterday... 和佈滿灰塵蛛網的窗戶
我自愛我的搖滾,女孩和燈光,但又何其憎惡 I'm upside down, I' m an empty town, my eyes are full of ghost 從前,我的花朵被蠶食殆盡,樹根卻完好地重新長出 Of dusty windowed certainty and spider-webbed almost 如今,我為十字路口的立柱舉杯,雖未見卻每每聽聞 I love, I hate this rock and roll, the ladies and the lights 在集中營呆了幾年之後 Ate all my flowers long ago but the roots came through all right 挑刺者布萊克找到了他的迦勒底神燈 Whilst now my toast is the crossroads post, I hear just out of sight 但恐怕他仍活在冰原上 That the Black Pick's found his Chaldean lamp 他有張風笛嘴,和一杯子緋紅金屬渣 After years in a concentration camp 儘管如此,我還是實現了很多夢想,為此我將歡呼 But I fear he's still out on the ice 儘管如此,我還是探索了夢境之災,主持了假面舞會 With his bagpipe mouth and his cup of crimson speiss 過不了多久我便將這首歌
封存在鑲著黑邊的信封裡…… Still, I've fulfilled a host of dreams for that I'll cry hurray 封存在積滿灰塵的信封裡…… (Still, I've explored a plague of dreams and I've led the masquerade) But it won't be long till I cast this song In the jet-edged envelopes... (In the ash-filled envelopes...)