- 陳焱FanCY Random Call 歌詞
- 陳焱FanCY
- 編曲:王薇One Way
Pick up the phone It's just a random call 你會接起一通隨機的來電 Random people random story random talk 聽陌生的人講莫名的故事麼 Hesitating hello, don't be afraid 這太不可思議了但仍問了聲你好 Act like the Melo, the show goes on 沒料到接下來聽到的故事如電影般絲滑一場好戲呼之欲出 Try appetizers, the whole week will be shining through 開胃菜的使命是讓一周的心情都被陽光關照 Hit da girl even without Mercedes 而再遇見那女孩的意義 It's well-anticipated now and always no needa prove yeah 是憧憬未來人生被照亮從此刻至每一刻 I'm feeling good right now 我的器官正感知美好 I'm touching real right now 我的肢體正與真實擁抱 I'm seeing hope right now 我的靈魂正洞見希望
Who said in vain? 牛羊總成群結隊 Crossed the milky way liked cowherd used to 而我願化作勇敢的牛郎為愛跨越銀河 Believed it, would meet again 我相信有緣會再見 Anyway, another day 還在老地方但在特別的一天 Met granny in ragged cloth riding tricycle picking up wasted bottle 一天牛郎遇見一位年邁的拾荒奶奶 Help 牛郎毫無疑問上前幫忙 It never depends, even granny refused it would dirt his pants 儘管拾荒奶奶心疼牛郎弄髒衣衫本意謝絕 Smile 事後兩人開心的笑了像老朋友般聊著天 Motto exchanged, started chasing before they missing so turned around wrote it down ready for da song 奶奶對牛郎說年輕人要大膽地追求人事物牛郎則決定寫首歌記錄這美好的相遇並呼籲垃圾分類規範化
Never too late da song was lit more than famous 不曾年少成名怎能再錯過大器晚成牛郎這首歌一夜成名 Schwarzenegger's favourite 成為了州長的最愛並為其歌頌的故事動容 Promised more money goin' for sorting garbage 承諾將投入更多資金到垃圾分類城建中 Twitters vote twitters repost 公民們為州長的舉動點贊網民們則瘋狂轉載歌曲 Tickets were sold out 州長得以連任牛郎的單曲成為年度最佳 The weaver yet to come 可是歌中的女孩你到底在哪 Dun be gone too long 同樣的街角你沒再出現過 U been gone too long 可在牛郎心裡你從未離開過
Another day cowherd got a gift wiz no name 一天牛郎收到一份未署名的禮物 Perhaps sent by fans 想必是粉絲送的 It was a tang costume 是唐裝 Oh It reminded him old Scenarios 太特別太眼熟了霎時牛郎想到了那特殊的一天 Da grandmama and her retro 和那位拾荒奶奶的衣服一模一樣 Haha He knew it he knew it 牛郎恍然大悟那天的故事女孩目睹了一切 The weaver was here the weaver appeared 又是特殊的一天同是老地方牛郎織女又見面了 Her names Vera Wang 這一次不說再見 It just like 念念不忘的美好 Try appetizers, the whole week will be shining through 就像可口的開胃菜讓一周的心情都被陽光關照 Hit da girl even without Mercedes 而再遇見那女孩的意義 It's well-anticipated now and always no needa prove yeah 是憧憬未來人生被照亮從此刻至每一刻 I'm feeling good right now 我的器官正感知美好 I'm touching real right now 我的肢體正與真實擁抱 I'm seeing hope right now 我的靈魂正洞見希望
Pick up the phone it's just a random call 你會接起一通隨機的來電 Random people random story random talk 聽陌生的人講莫名的故事麼 Hesitating hello, don't be afraid 這太不可思議了但仍問了聲你好 Act like the Melo , the show goes on 未曾料到故事如電影般絲滑又一場好戲即將上演