- PXP ****ing day(Prod. by Xbeatz) 歌詞
- 後期:MC_Loucky (Prod. by Xbeatz) 作曲:PxP 編曲:X Beatz
Today is a f*****g day Youre not in my way I wont just run away nothing I will be afraid 死亡的鐘聲不停在敲打 震耳欲聾想要找到禁止它的方法 天使與魔鬼再次爭奪這生命該去向何處 拼命來回掙扎身體不停* * 掙扎束縛 被那溫暖牢籠把我再次困住 絕望在心中蔓延那種感覺不能細訴雙手合十再次祈求上帝的寬恕 願意當作犧牲品去換來一條生路 Today is a f*****g day Youre not in my way I wont just run away nothing I will be afraid Want to break the barrier I try to give a punch on my face I've been stayed awake at night these days 每個人肩上都架著沉重無比的枷鎖 互相詢問曾今所犯下的錯誤與因果 渴望自由的眼神 誰會和死神坦誠 都想要找到那扇通往自由世界的大門 抑鬱狂暴憤怒浮躁 雨水腐蝕著身體上的每一顆細胞 彷彿全身都被綁上了那c4** 想把方圓幾里血肉之軀都給炸掉 Today is a f*****g day Youre not in my way I wont just run away nothing I will be afraid Want to break the barrier I try to give a punch on my face I've been stayed awake at night these days