- Ceru_ Sparks 歌詞
- Ceru_
- -Intro-
-Intro- [00:30.948] [00:30.948] Verse 1 Verse 1 Now I start to stutter 結結巴巴地開始唱著什麼 For ways we've been, this isn't any harder 大概我們一直如此糾結,這也沒想像中那麼困難 All these thoughts, they've come in torrents 這些埋藏在心裡的想法川流不息地穿行在腦海中 but I am still not content 可我卻一次又一次地無法寫出滿意的文字來 [About my life, I have to write it [我必須要將生命的意義書寫而下 or will it all be in vain?] 才會讓它...不會淪為徒勞嗎? ] Then she said: 而她說: [01:04.697] [01:04.697] Bridge 1 Bridge 1 'I love your exquisitiveness, and your “我很羨慕你的細膩,羨慕你對 heart that can resonate with music.' 音樂的感受性。” But you should see it through 其實這並沒有什麼所謂 you should have seen your growth 因為你自己的成長更值得理會 [01:20.434] [01:20.434] Build 1 Build 1 A man with love to all these words 有一位對懷情之辭充滿熱愛的詩人 He once nurtured the light and souls 育養了一個世界與那個彼岸的靈魂 Somewhere, somehow, I got guts to sing 何時何處,我感受到一種鼓舞 So now, I just hope you can find something 只是期盼此刻的你獲得一絲感觸 [01:37.183] [01:37.183] -Drop 1- -Drop 1- [02:10.691] [02:10.691] Verse 2 Verse 2 But this isn't over 但一切並沒有就此結束 and the rain is still getting colder, 反而雨正下得愈發刺骨, as it will catch you someday however. 正是早該預見到的束縛。 You say, “Will I smile in stride 你說道,“如果我足夠明亮, if I did, like that, get it enough bright?' 能否不再藉光行走而照耀別人?' I'd say you'll first strand 我更覺得你在登陸到那岸邊之前 before successfully landing 就會因為肩上的重量而就此擱淺 'That's tiring, just sleep 'til tomorrow' “別想這些費神的,去睡一覺好好的。” to go... 才能... [02 :44.896] [02:44.896] Bridge2 Bridge 2 ...to where you are. 去往你之所在 to every place that's 去往你畫出的 in your art. 心中所愛 [03:01.649] [03:01.649] I know it's hard to be alive 我明白生活的往往不盡人意 but we are here to prove we're right 可人們仍用盡一生找尋意義去證明自己 Maybe I should stop to deny 如此,大概我不應阻礙你的希冀 live once, so go and chase your light 一句“願你找到你的光”便足矣
-Drop 2- -Drop 2-
Bridge 3 Bridge 3 Don't you worry about yourself. 別太為自己擔心... Don't you worry 'bout yourself. 請別太擔心自己。 What you felt and took care of 你曾心中所念並給予關懷者 I saw them fly, across the sky—— 它們都成為了最好的風景。 I saw your life, its beauty 你可知你生命的美麗 like the flowers on your knee 綻放著金花般的詩意
Before Drop 3 Build 3 You heard these all and smiled 靜靜聽著這些,你宛然一笑 with your whisper on my right: 右方的你輕聲地說道: “Tiny light , to fight the nights; '自己微弱的光來對抗漫長黑夜, Keep going, by the sparks far in skies.” 於是依靠遙遠的星光繼續前行。”
-Drop 3!- -Drop 3!-
Outro Outro A new sun. 又是一個明日。 And a new day comes. 又是一個明日。