- 十三行詩 歌詞 BOWEI. 原心無媿 Quintino & Blasterjaxx 雲傾少
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- 雲傾少 十三行詩 歌詞
- BOWEI. 原心無媿 Quintino & Blasterjaxx 雲傾少
- 十三行詩
Title: Thirteen Lines of A Poem
製作人/作曲/編曲/錄音/混音:雲傾少 詞作:原心無媿 歌手:Nico劉夢霓 和聲:BOWEI. 歌詞翻譯:雲傾少 鳴謝:導師Simone East
飛鳥掠過天際轉瞬消失 A flying bird through the sky disappeared instantly 人一生只能見它一次 People can only see it once in a lifetime 雲錯過了晚霞的約期 The cloud missed the afterlight 便等不到遲來的落日 It cant wait for the late sunset
陷入愛情泥沼靈魂迷失 Get stuck in the mire of love and lose your soul 像心上一顆硃砂痣 Falling love is like a cinnabar mark on the heart 年歲愈久愈發艷麗 The longer the age, the more gorgeous 像患上了沈痾痼疾 Falling in love is like suffering from illness 剜掉傷疤便鮮血淋漓 After getting rid of scars, the heart will still bleed
我們應愛而生為愛而死 We are supposed to live for love and die for love 是愛最忠實的孩子 We are the most loyal believers of love 孑然一身光顧人世 We are all born alone in the world 而死後愛人是最瀟灑墓誌 But after death, lovers are our most exquisite epitaph
玫瑰生來帶著尖利的刺 The rose was born with sharp thorns 怎麼甘心被俗人染指 How can it be willing to be touched by the laity? 無名指套上昂貴鑽石 Wearing expensive diamonds on the ring finger 是承諾也是無言限制 Commitment is also a silent restriction 詩人寫下第十四行情詩 The poet wrote the fourteenth line of the love poem 刻畫最深情的樣子 He describes the most affectionate look in the poem 彷彿忘卻過往韻事 As if he had forgotten the past love affair 角落傳出輕蔑諷刺 Someone satirizes him from the corner 沒人在意也沒人銘記 No one cares, no one remembers
我們應愛而生為愛而死 We are supposed to live for love and die for love 是愛最忠實的孩子 We are the most loyal believers of love 孑然一身光顧人世 We are all born alone in the world 而死後愛人是最瀟灑墓誌 But after death, lovers are our most exquisite epitaph
而死後愛人是最瀟灑墓誌 But after death, lovers are our most exquisite epitaph 死後愛人是最瀟灑墓誌 After death, lovers are our most exquisite epitaph