- making A killing 歌詞 Jedi Mind Tricks Thea Alana
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- Thea Alana making A killing 歌詞
- Jedi Mind Tricks Thea Alana
- (Intro)
引入 Theres absolutely no trick to looking back on the great injustices of our time 回望我們的過去許多不公的歷史絕對不是件難事 And condemning them, we understand that , weve got that 譴責它也是同樣,我們理解,我們知道 The trick is always to look at what were doing today 問題是,我們怎麼認知今天的自己正在做什麼 As if were at some point in the future looking back 就好像到了未來的某個節點,未來的人們回首我們 And figure out what the oppressions and the injustices are 並且發現, That were committing today 我們所受到的各種壓迫與不公 And to get them out of our lives 並且掙扎著將它們驅逐出我們的生活 (Chorus: Thea Alana) Heaven said no 在你背棄你的家人時 When you knocked out the door 天堂也背棄了你 Your fire could kill a child and a mom 你的怒火可以摧毀你的母親和你自己 Heaven said no 當你將你的槍口對准他人時 When you pointed your gun 地獄的惡魔也對準了你 Your face could make the joker wake up 你的憤容喚醒了你心中的小丑(惡魔) (Verse 1: Vinnie Paz) Do you have compassion for everything alive? 你對世上所有的活物都有同情之心嗎? Or animals dont matter to you, they can be deprived 或者其它動物無關緊要,他們可以隨意被剝削? Animals are individuals and have feelings too 動物也是有感情的個體 They feel loneliness and happiness like people do 它們像人一樣會悲會喜 25 billion killed every year 每年有2500萬動物死於殺戮 The average person culpable for 90 plus a year 如果換成人,每個人都可以被判刑監禁90年 Overcrowded stalls, cages, and crates 擠滿了動物們的貨架、鐵籠、箱篋 No sunlight, no grass under their feet 動物們沒有陽光照耀,腳下沒有草地 They breathe, and they think, and they feel 它們也和人一般呼吸、思考、有感受 But we feast, and we drink, and we kill 但是我們狼吞、我們虎咽、我們不斷地殺戮 Factory farms inject stimulants and hormones 那些牛,那些豬 Theyre fed other cows, theyre fed hog bones 工廠和農莊向它們注射激素 Hundreds of thousands are poisoned and blinded 千萬動物被荼毒 To test cosmetics for the small, small minded 被拿去測試化妝品,就為了那些淺薄之人 The rain forests being destroyed to raise cattle 為了養牛,多少雨林被毀壞 Wildlife habitat became the battle 動物只好為了生存不斷搶奪棲息地 They spray farms with herbicides and pesticides 他們還使用除草劑和農藥 You know how much poison is in insecticides? 你們知道殺蟲劑裡面又有多少毒素嗎? The same chemicals destroy topsoil 這些毒素破壞表層土壤 And leak into the ground and turn the ocean into oil 讓大海臟如原油 Genetically manipulated to grow larger 為了產量和體型更大,它們被基因改造 Only to be led to the slaughter 最後只能落得死亡的下場 I dont see it as being a conquest 我不認為這是一項多麼偉大的任務 But people need to fight while theres still time left 但是現在保護他們還為時不晚 (Chorus: Thea Alana) Heaven said no 在你遠離了你的家人時 When you knocked out the door 天堂也遠離了你 Your fire could kill a child and a mom 你的怒火可以讓母親心碎,也可以毀滅自己 Heaven said no 當你準備帶走他人生命時 When you pointed your gun 地獄也準備帶走你 Your face could make the joker wake up 你的憤容喚醒了你心中的小丑(惡魔) (Verse 2: Vinnie Paz) Crash and combine the crates and tear them by the neck 動物們被裝進箱中,最後被屠夫割喉 They cant move their bodies and they could starve to death 箱中它們不能動彈,它們可能餓死 They bang their heads from the psychological distress 因為心中的困苦,無助地用頭敲擊著箱壁 Hellish conditions, thats not what I would call respect 條件糟糕的屠宰場,我不認為這是對動物們的尊重 Would you do that to your dog or your cat? 你會這樣對待你自家的小貓小狗嗎? Do you reallysee the difference in a frog or a rat? 你是否對所有動物都一視同仁? Whats sacred to you here might not be sacred in Tibet 一個地方所敬仰的動物,在另一個地方或許骯髒 So who are you to say what should be eaten or a pet 那麼你來說說哪種動物該被吃,那種動物該當成寵物 Its a revolving door and it turn 風水輪流轉 You cant differentiate between the moral concern 你不能用所謂的道德觀念來區分它們 An agitated pig might bite each others tails 就因為煩躁的豬會咬其他豬的尾巴 So they hack it off at birth and then they lead it into hell 所以養殖場在它們出生時便將它們的尾部砍掉 Chicken beaks are seared off by farmers 農場裡的人鋸掉雞的喙 But they call it debeaking, I call it torture 美言曰“去喙”,我認為這就是虐待 Boiled alive, you dont think its karma? 活生生被燙熟,你覺得這是它們活該嗎? Money come before mercy, thats the mantra 利益永遠高於同情,這才是他們的準則 Cows give birth, their calfs are separated 牛生下孩子,它們被迫分離 Factory workers are either scared or theyre jaded 工廠的人要么細思恐極,要么習以為常 The leather industry is tied to the meat industry 皮革工業緊緊依靠著肉類加工業 Inextricably theyre both responsible for misery 這兩大產業都要為之負責 A non-meat diet can slow the process of aging 一頓全素餐可以減緩衰老 Avoid toxic food , contaminants, and enslavement 減少被毒害的風險,又能讓更多動物自由生活 Reduce global warming and end world hunger 減慢全球變暖,並且可能結束世界飢餓問題 So think about it next time you sit down for supper 所以在你下次坐下吃飯前好好想想 (Chorus: Thea Alana) Heaven said no 當你厭惡你的家人時 When you knocked out the door 天堂也厭惡你 Your fire could kill a child and a mom 你的憤怒摧毀著你自己 Heaven said no 當你準備扣下扳機時 When you pointed your gun 地獄也準備永遠扣住你 Your facecould make the joker wake up 你的憤容喚醒了你心中的小丑(惡魔)