- Quintino & Blasterjaxx Tatooine 歌詞
- Quintino & Blasterjaxx
- Y&W
你可以看到但是你絕不可能找到 You can look, but youre never gonna find 一個地方 A better place to be 比得上這小片天空 Than this little slice of heaven tucked between 夾在降德蘭荒地和殺沙丘之海之間 The Jundland Wastes and the big Dune Sea 我們可以暢遊在峽谷中也可以訓練許多濕背蜥 We can surf through the canyons or train a pack of dewbacks 為旺普鼠建造一個巨大的棲息地 Build a giant hamster habitat for womp rats, 或是開動我們的太陽能沙堡堆砌機 Or fire up our solar-powered sandcastle-making machine 我們熱愛塔圖因 Were on Tatooine. 耶我們在這里活得像皇帝 Yeah, were livin like kings out here 我們整年都是有著兩個太陽的夏季 We got a two-sun summer the whole darn year 駕駛著我們的T-16 航行在乞丐谷裡 Cruisin Beggars Canyon in our T-16, 或者坐在岩石上吃著藍色的冰激凌 Or just sittin on a rock eatin blue ice cream. 藍色的冰激凌 Blue ice cream. 因為我們在塔圖因 Cause were on Tatooine. 我們有著兩個大太陽數著一和二 We got two big suns, count em, one and two 我們是福林·富雷查兄弟 And theres two Flynn-Fletcher bois 我和你 Me and you! 我們是兄弟站在這裡但是我們沒有相同的基因 Well, were brothers! Were step! No, we dont share a gene, 但是我們呆在塔圖因總在一起 But well always be together here on Tatooine! 打著節點演奏發動引擎來場賽車 Jammin with the Modal Nodes, racing turbo dust bikes 與爪哇人談生意 Tradin with the Jawas 製作機器人或是加大船的馬力 Trickin out a droid or soupin up the barge 來一場環繞錨頭塔的旅行 For a trip round Anchorhead Tower 我們可以沿途停下嚇跑塔斯肯襲擊者 We can stop along the way and startle Tusken Raiders 也可以在家搗鼓蒸餾器 And still be home in time to fix the vaporators 我想你能準確知道我想表達什麼 I think you know exactly what we mean, 我們熱愛塔圖因 Cause we love Tatooine. 耶我們在這里活得像皇帝 Yeah, were livin like kings out here 我們整年都是有著兩個太陽的夏季 We got a two-sun summer the whole darn year 駕駛著我們的T -16 航行在乞丐谷裡 Cruisin Beggars Canyon in our T-16, 或者坐在岩石上吃著藍色的冰激凌 Or just sittin on a rock eatin blue ice cream. 我會在袖子上印上愛心 I may be wearin my heart on my sleeve 但是我不能理解為什麼有人會想要離開 But I cant understand why anyone would want to leave 我知道這座城市的驕傲可能會有一點點極端 We know our city pride may sound a tad extreme 但是我們在這裡是如此快樂願意去誇大這個事實 But were so happy here, we tend to overstate this theme 誇大這個事實 Overstate this theme! 因為我們熱愛塔圖因 Cuz we love Tatooine! 噢我們熱愛它我們熱愛塔圖因 Oh, we love it! Oh, we love it here on Tatooine! 我們熱愛塔圖因 We love Tatooine!