- EmZee 痕跡 歌詞
- EmZee
- 痕跡
她再也不會回頭 編曲:David Buchberger & Dave Taylor 我們再也無法回首 混音:龔耀華 是時候畫上句號 母帶:龔耀華 是時候讓記憶流散 錄音:龔耀華 她再也不會回頭 She ain't never gonna stop (leaving) 我們再也無法回首 We ain 't never gonna talk (grieving) 是時候畫上句號 I think it's about time that I walk away 是時候讓記憶流散 Memory is getting washed away 她再也不會 She ain't never gonna stop (leaving) 她再也不會回頭 We ain't never gonna talk (grieving) 我們再也無法回首 I think it's about time that I walk away 是時候畫上句號 Memory is getting washed away 是時候讓記憶流散 She ain't never gonna 她再也不會回頭 曾經發下的那些哭笑不得的誓言 我們再也無法回首 全都敗給了不停往前tic toc的時間 是時候畫上句號 停留在還有你味道的每一個房間 是時候讓記憶流散 每一個布偶抱枕都將要和主人失聯 她再也不會 抱歉沒有電視劇般的悲傷畫面 怪誕的想法充斥著大腦 道歉也不能挽回已失去的下限 不停的想要讓我失常 照片記錄著我想要擺脫的夢魘 滾出我的大腦 暴殄浪費的是我明天 沒有哪個是真的為了我好 思念是翅膀痕跡 惡魔在我耳邊低語 飛翔在每個晨曦 安眠藥讓我失眠 誰又能褪去塵衣 他們在改造我的軀殼 yea yea yea 別讓我就此睡去 你沒有如期歸來 別再試圖鑽進我的想法裡 是我太過信任犯的罪 一切都不一樣了 分不清是非黑白 尤其是痛的滋味 是因為看到你眼角幹的淚 那我還在為了誰堅持 你選擇默默離開 既然已經被拋下 Hennessy 把自己灌個醉 為何還要苦苦堅持 看不清看得清已不再重要 不如讓血管中的烈焰燃起 希望今後別再會 當我聽到你開始了新的生活我幾近崩潰 離別的滋味最是淒涼像告別夕陽 我以為你會留給我一個挽留的機會 那一聲再見最是堅強又最是牽強 我會好好整理一下頭緒 記不清多少晚一個人睡 發一條卑微的信息給你 記不清多少晚一個人醉 現在連發送鍵都被拒絕 記不清記得請累不累都不會改變因為 我想是時候放下了 She ain't never gonna stop (leaving) 讓一切重來 We ain't never gonna talk (grieving) 她再也不會回頭 I think it's about time that I walk away 我們再也無法回首 Memory is getting washed away 是時候畫上句號 She ain't never gonna stop (leaving) 是時候讓記憶流散 We ain't never gonna talk (grieving) 她再也不會回頭 I think it's about time that I walk away 我們再也無法回首 Memory is getting washed away 是時候畫上句號 She ain't never gonna 是時候讓記憶流散 All these bullshit they got me They caught me in my way Get that thought out of me Get out of me Shit all fake Demons telling tales wanna make me go insane All the pills they change me They messing up my brain Get out of my lane yea why y'all on my lane Shit ain't the same Especially the pain Why should I restrain There's nothing to maintain Why should I restrain Yea Fire in my vein I cannot sustain when I heard you got a new date I thought at least you would give me some more days Days I would gather myself Write a long text and send to your cell Now there's nothing to tell Time to reset NOW Get that clock Running She ain 't never gonna stop (leaving) We ain't never gonna talk (grieving) I think it's about time that I walk away Memory is getting washed away She ain't never gonna stop (leaving) We ain't never gonna talk (grieving) I think it's about time that I walk away Memory is getting washed away