- Mothica Self-Destructive 歌詞
- Mothica
- I don't wanna wait
我不想再等待 I don't wanna wait 厭倦了這無盡的等待 But I know that it's too soon 可我知道這份愛實在結束得太快 I could run away 而我本可甩手離開 But I wanna stay 但我卻打算堅守原地 So I gotta play it cool 所以我想表現得酷一些 If only I had been the one to meet you first 若當初是我先遇到你該多好啊 But knowing I was second only makes me hurt 也不至於現在傷成這樣 And every time you say her name it makes it worse 每每你提及她的名字便會多傷我一分 So maybe we should stop 所以也許我們都該冷靜一下了 We can't help it if we want this 想維繫這段感情,可我們卻總止不住爭吵 Are we selfish? Are we self-destructive ? 我們都如此自私吧?都喜歡折磨自己吧? We can't help it if we want this 想繼續走下去,可我們卻不肯做出任何改變 Are we selfish? Are we self-destructive? 我們都自顧自了吧,任由愛情自生自滅 I don't wanna wait 我不想再苦守 I don't wanna wait 這份名存實亡的愛情 But I know that it's too soon 可我也知道一切都來去匆匆 I could run away 而我也本可轉身離去 But I wanna stay 但卻還是想留下來直面一切 So I gotta play it cool 所以我要變現得得體一些 If we never try 若我們都不肯嘗試 If we never try 不肯邁出那一步 Then i guess we'll never know 那我們永遠也不會知道 Lying to ourselves 那些自欺欺人 Promise not to tell 所謂的信誓旦旦 It's out of our control 釀成的惡果有多不好受 If only I had been the one to meet you first 如果當初是我先開的口該多好啊 But knowing I was second only makes me hurt 可你最後卻深深傷了我的心 And every time you say her name it makes it worse 而每次你說出她的名字便會讓我更痛苦 So maybe we should stop 所以我們都該冷靜一段時間吧 We can't help it if we want this 想維繫下去卻都沒人願意改變 Are we selfish? Are we self-destructive? 我們都太自私了吧,眼睜睜看看著愛情自生自滅 We can't help it if we want this 想保住這份愛情可我們卻止不住爭吵 Are we selfish? Are we self-destructive? 我們都只想著自己吧,以至於親手毀掉一起創造的一切 I don't wanna wait 我不想再苦苦堅持 I don' t wanna wait 這已名存實亡的愛情 But I know that it's too soon 可我知道它結束的實在太快 I could run away 我本可一走了之 But I wanna stay 但最後卻選擇留下 So I gotta play it cool 所以我要表現得大體一些 If only I had been the one to meet you first 若當初是我先開的口該多好哇 But knowing I was second only makes me hurt 可你最後卻還是令我無比心寒 And every time you say her name it makes it worse 每次你拿她與我做比較總讓我更加難受 So maybe we should stop 所以也許我們該放過彼此了吧 We can't help it if we want this 想繼續下去卻總是止不住的爭吵 Are we selfish? Are we self-destructive? 我們都太自私了?自私到不惜毀掉曾經的一切? We can't help it if we want this 可每一次的和好總又會迅速引發新一輪的爭吵 Are we selfish? Are we self-destructive? 我們都只想著自己吧,眼睜睜看著一切毀掉 I don't wanna wait 我不想再堅持 I don't wanna wait 死守這份所謂的愛情 But I know that it's too soon 可我知道它的壽命實在太短 I could run away 我本可一走了之 But I wanna stay 可卻打算留在原地 So I gotta play it cool 想表現得大方一點 I don't wanna wait 我不想再苦苦等待 I don't wanna wait 死守這份名存實亡的愛情 But I know that it's too soon 可它實在結束得太快太快 I could run away 我本可轉身離去 But I wanna stay 卻還是想留下面對 So I gotta play it cool 表現得大度一些