- 胡皓聞 逆航 歌詞
- 胡皓聞
- 編曲:Higo海狗
混音:楊昊瑞 (向每一位戰疫的英雄們致敬) Holding my sword facing the man in the mirror Risking my life fighting against all the terror They always say that Im not the only one 逆著人流而上揚起船帆 Look look at me 眼裡藏不住的敵意 總有角落裡的鍵盤騎士質疑我的實力 People used to believe 神話裡的Atlantis 那些白色獵人前赴後繼尋覓幾個世紀 蒸汽的轟鳴whistle whistle blow out my way 就與我同行shimmy shimmy call out my name 路上的風景月色的豐盈從容的身影 從你的瞳孔映射之中見證我的登頂 bam bam bam 我揮劍劃破天空 bam bam bam 抗擊疫魔的先鋒 bam bam bam 守望著萬戶千燈 踐行著許下的誓言絕不怕死貪生 Holding my sword facing the man in the mirror Risking my life fighting against all the terror They always say that Im not the only one 逆著人流而上揚起船帆 Speed up !再快一點 當世界的天平開始傾倒向另一邊 人類面對自然時的脆弱犯下的罪過 若是放任這場災禍 你我將共同見證文明的墜落 我從前輩那里傳承抗爭的脈搏 單槍匹馬亦有保護蒼生的執著 I will not hesitate to fight till the last time We will not hesitate to fight till the last man Stand! Holding my sword facing the man in the mirror Risking my life fighting against all the terror They always say that Im not the only one 逆著人流而上揚起船帆 Holding my sword facing the man in the mirror Risking my life fighting against all the terror They always say that Im not the only one 逆著人流而上揚起船帆 Runnin runnin 千里之外的航向 Enterin enterin 火神雷神的營帳 Follow me follow me 共築生命的屏障 戰疫的痛快酣暢溢於言表難以名狀 Watchin me watchin me 十米之外的凝望 Gonna say gonna say 未開口熱淚盈眶 Cover me cover me 雕刻出我的形狀 三里的櫻花樹下鶯燕引春爭相鳴唱